[Song] The Lunar Admiral

Commissioned by Esytria on discord, support him and his VA endeavors!!
This was pretty fun to make. Very short and sweet, but I like it. A fit theme for the realest mf on the Bronze Sea.


me when the youtube video no longer embeds into my post

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real as hell.

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if you want it to embed properly, you have to delete all the extra stuff the forum automatically adds to format it like that after you paste it, most notably the video name and parathesis around the link.

the music is also great!!

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thank you!!

I feel like this is what would play in Calvus’ throne room if he was actually a laid back good guy greeting some new people into his kingdom.

Perhaps another king or high ranking NPC could use it.

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I actually commissioned it for my character, who’s personality is quite similar to what a “laid back good guy” Calvus would be like. Ambitious and serious, but fair and selfless.

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Why can I see one of my files doing the macarena to this?

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