so sonic frontiers came out yesterday, very cool
+kick ass music
+actually cool world
+“good story

what do you all think about it
(or maybe im one of the only 2 people that have played it yet who knows)
so sonic frontiers came out yesterday, very cool
+kick ass music
+actually cool world
good game but has some pretty glaring issues that keep it from being great. Its taking sonic in the right direction and the future games have massive potential if they follow in the footsteps of frontiers. Story was good it wasn’t too deep or anything but the characters felt fleshed out unlike the cardboard cutouts in the past games. Knuckles, sage, and eggman feel so good in frontiers. 7.5/10
Great ost, decent story, and good graphics but in certain places (I’m looking at you, Chaos Island.) it just feels like every few seconds you’re being forced into a 2d/automation section that ends up sending you in the opposite direction you wanted to go.
Sonic Frontiers just being an okay decent game is already enough for me, and I’m glad they didin’t messed this up
help me
i watched the cutscenes the day it came out and am happy to say i’m very satisfied with the characterization shown thus far. the release itself seems so what lackluster, perhaps there will be some additional dlc or something, but it more or less justbmakes me more excited for future games
also made me very happy to see references to other games like Unleashed