iirc every bug-reports on the forum has always been directed by mods to vetcord’s support tickets instead.
It’d be better to make one instead of posting it on the forum
I’d say it’s still this untested bugfix that’s causing problems:
You can still hit ppl and npcs w/ Sparrow Thrust, but they have to be slightly away from you and not within hugging distance. Otherwise it’ll phase right through them because the hitbox isn’t near you anymore.
It’s not too far off how Sparrow Thrust functioned when it was initially released.
For me, my sense of distance may be a bit skewed since I run TP Agility all the time.
If it’s within 1-2 regular TP Agility dashes (before the agility changes) it’s only slightly away from you. 3-4+ dashes is when things start to be a decent amount of distance away.