Specifics regarding the exact effects of fishing enchants

magnetic is pretty well understood, we can skip that.
Luring - does it simply shorten the time between a “catch” (as in, shorten the time between when the game rolls the general loot table, which decides if you catch an item or a fish), or does it somehow only shorten the time between specifically catching a fish only? (as in, does it predecide if you get a fish or an item and only shortens the time to catch it if it’s a fish, or perhaps it directly increases the chance to specifically get a fish alongside the general catch time?)
Sturdy - higher chance to catch fish with the “giant” prefix, or fish that happen to be big in actual size? (and does this reduce the amount of items you would catch?)
Lucky - higher chance to catch fish with the “golden” prefix only? with both “giant” and “golden” prefixes? or maybe only just fish that have the base “rare” or maybe even “uncommon” rarity? (I doubt this, in my own experience I caught way too many golden commons with it) Or maybe all of the above? (and does this reduce the amount of items you would catch?)

luring decreases the time to get a fish hooked


iirc its variants so yea giant and golden

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“luring decreases the time to get a fish hooked” lacks specifics. invalid answer

??? aight bro if you say so, literally only affects the time between catches

so you think you also get items faster if you just add luring onto a rod? good. But I’d like to get more peoples input on this as well


hey so uh
how do i say that i ran the numbers a bit more and TURNS OUT luring bronze actually takes like 27~ seconds per fish or something, making it slightly worse than luring collector
difference is by like 2%, but still.

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