Speculating about some ghost quotes

Do note that my source for a lot of this is ChatGPT, who also thought that Warren’s last name was Emberheart.

I was thinking about that “Lancelot” and I decided to do investigation.
Ever since I heard that Cursebeard was called “King Arthur”, I connected the dots, I just didn’t have enough information.

Lancelot could be anyone. It’s highly suspected that he may be Warren, but a Sea Curse can be passed around. The Blue Flame that Lancelot is known to have killed many with.

ChatGPT says: “In Arthurian legend, Lancelot is one of King Arthur’s most trusted and skilled knights, known for his heroic deeds and tragic flaws.”

“Where’s Lord Lancelot? I have to warn him about Agravain…”
This quote mentions Agravain, another knight of Arthur’s court. It suggests a time when Lancelot might have been engaged in Arthurian politics and conflicts. Agravain is known for being a traitor in some versions of the Arthurian story, so this could hint at past betrayal or danger

“You must be one of those priests… Come to terrorize the village with your gift from the gods? Those spirit weapons… what were the gods thinking giving their followers something like that? King Arthur won’t stand for it! Away with you!”
“The idea of “spirit weapons” being a gift from the gods and the disdain towards them may suggest that Lancelot (or Arthur’s followers) saw themselves as mortal heroes independent of divine intervention. This could be tied to themes of mortal power vs. divine power, where Arthurian figures, like Lancelot, reject the gods, aligning with the fall of Mount Olympus. The rejection of the gods might also link to Arthurian self-sufficiency, where knights like Lancelot wield power from their own strength or cursed relics (like the Inferno Curse).”
Do also note that Arthur himself directly opposed the gods. It also implies that spirit weapons are much more powerful than we thought…


if you’re gonna put a thumbnail image at least make it something interesting

like this:



How to instantly tank credibility in 1 sentence


dude if you can’t even go onto wikipedia for five minutes why are you making like 3 posts per day that all are written like you’re trying to start Cursed Woments or RFAO with a main topic post


Arcane Illiteracy at its peak /j

The Yapper One is evolving to enslave AI to flood the forums


there’s literally nothing in the game, wiki, lore doc, or words from the v-man himself that talks about warren’s last name lol

I mean like the KotRt are canon and warren is from pre-durza, so I mean he probably was at one point Lancelot but I have no fucking idea what the rest of this is

Thank you for actually taking a swing at the information given here.

People act like I had no doubt about it that GPT would be truthful, I was just trying to see if I could get a lead, and then I shared that lead because I had to go to sleep.

seeing this made me physically wheeze

no, King Arthur is cursebeard, he fought the gods by using curses. this post is yap sadly

I know who King Arthur is, and I know he fought the gods with the curses he got from Prometheus.

If I was this dedicated to speculation, how could I be so unknowledgable?

This quote mentions Agravain, who was known in the stories this is based on for betraying Lancelot, of course. Apparently he had an affair with his wife or something. It’s probably something different in AO.

“King Arthur won’t stand for it!” Further confirms that King Arthur and Cursebeard are one and the same, considering how much he hates the gods, so he would also oppose and be opposed by their followers. And once again, it means Spirit Weapons are a pretty big deal.

A big unanswered question is: How was Lancelot on Arthur’s side if he had a Grand Fire Curse?
Furthermore, is Lancelot somebody that we already know? (Probably Warren if anybody)

i thought this was pretty obvious lmao

I dunno, I guess I just had a poor frame of reference.

“I must remember… King Cross… what did that name mean to me…?”

This doesn’t provide much, other than that we should be looking out for another character with “Cross” in their name.

“Ah, the city of Camulodunum. I can still see it clearly before me… Even though I’m sure its been centuries since I’ve actually been there…”

This seems to be the real life Camulodunum in the UK, AKA Colchester.

“They called him Kingslayer… the Mist Walker… that beast-like mercenary with a blade so evil…”

Oh, and apparently we have the actual Torren as well.
That one’s always been obvious, so you may have already known.

You know what I just did, went around with Insanity 2, I don’t do that often.
You know what I saw? Just Dark Purply Fire.

That comes as no surprise, it’s not an uncommon effect, but we have a character known to be tied to insanity and ghosts (Torren) who had the DARKFLAME CURSE.

I mean, nobody played connect the dots here, or did I just not hear about it?

torren isn’t cannon
also isn’t the darkflame curse black or blackish red

Darkness is the one that can be red.

Also Torren is mentioned by Dark Sea ghosts, so like…