Spirit Weapon Theory

I’ll just start with this

Not sure if anyone has done this yet (haven’t really checked) but my theory is the following…
Given how Spirit Weapons work, either through a gift from the gods if I recall correctly, or you being related to the gods themselves. By definition, we most likely have some relation to Zeus since Eagle Patrimony is a rather specific combination of words.

In other words, Spirit Weapons tell us that…
Scenario 1 (more likely to me): We are related to Zeus.
Scenario 2: We are part of a lineage blessed by Zeus.

Scenario 1 makes more sense to me since we ARE potential man, and I’ve seen people theorize that Morden is related to Hades or something once.

morden has to be special too else why would he have been captured

or it could be tucker instead depending on if we get it from him after his death

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Why everyone thinks that it is Tucker’s property? Everyone thinks that MC is abandoned homeless weirdo who cannot have a patrimony or what?


Gaslighting ourselves in believing tucker will ever be significant

Tucker is most likely related to Hermes, since the MC and Morden are going to cause change in the War Seas now that they are free from the Order. Tucker being related to Hermes, the Herald of the Gods, would make the most sense.

Point being, he’s done his part, now we just need to see it through.

why does everyone think that morden and tucker are children of gods like people can be considered special by a shadowy organization without being god’s children. Remember the whole “Unchosen One” statement we got some time ago?

this theory seems perfectly sound.

Spirit weapon = directly related to the gods.
Eagle = directly related to Zeus.
Patrimony = directly related to objects given from the male side of a family.

Our character has “special blood” so we quite obviously aren’t completely human.

They aren’t direct children of gods, just potentially related to one that was. It could simply just be less diluted, and it’s not like it doesn’t make sense in the case of Hades since he is still in AO.

Actually, who’s to say everyone in our group with actual potential isn’t related to a god?
Iris could be an anomaly due to a potential lineage related to Helios. Helios being described to have fiery hair, and the god of the sun. This would explain why Iris could learn Flare magic at such a young age, since her bloodline literally has a link to the sun itself. Would also explain why the Order took her father away (he was special).

Morden being our Death curse emo, we don’t know his original magic type, or know Hade’s magic type. It stands to reason though, given his darker theme is might’ve been shadow magic before he got the Death curse. The Death Curse just providing a link to Hades (or less likely Thanatos) even if he wasn’t related to Hades in the first place.

The MC, like I said being related to Zeus going off of the spirit weapon. Possibly we are the most related to any god, or have the most potential or similarities to one. Meaning unlike the others who, while we don’t know if they can, may be able to use a Spirit Weapon if this is all true, but would struggle to do so unlike the MC. Even less so after Poseidon blesses us with their power.

Neviro… I don’t think this man got potential, let’s say he isn’t related to one. Bro gotta be a knight to tank that attack from Calvus, but probably can’t use spirit weapons ever. Massive L to be honest.

Show me it, I wanna see it before I make judgements on it.

In addition to that, I googled the meaning once, and Tucker means trickster

Oh hell nah, he ain’t even Greek (Loki)
Tucker the final boss :skull:

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That was just Tech making a slip up once and he immediately regretted saying it. We dont know what it is at all in any way, and Tech just dropped the name completely out of context.

So yeah, I wouldnt rely on it. It could be the name of the final boss for all we know. Its supposedly important and probably a big spoiler, but since its out of context, we dont know what it is. Take it as foreshadowing instead.

Iris’ whole thing as “the Anomaly” is about her being powerful when she isnt supposed to be. I feel like that title would lose meaning if it turns out theres a reason why she’s special.

I think that the fact she somehow has a lost magic supports the title alone, her being an “anomaly” would still fit even even if we learned how she got it.

nah, it’s better to keep it a mystery

also, not every single main cast member we meet has to be related to a god


Yeah I don’t think she or neviro is from a god, morden who knows. Tbh she probably got it by coincidence through something simple but itd still be cool to know

No it wouldn’t, she’s an anomaly BECAUSE she is already special. All her “specialness” being revealed will do is remove the mystery.

While, yes, not every member in the main cast has to be related to a god. We technically already have Warren and Neviro involved with the group and as far as we know they have no godly relatives. Some could still be related to a god, just not “special” enough to really matter. Some family trees or lineages could be more diluted than others through more generations and whatnot.

I mean, 1. Her title could easily change through the story line and 2. being a descendant of a Titan (in this case Helios) is probably infinitely more rare than being a descendant of the Gods, and therefore be quite an anomaly compared to everyone

I didn’t check fully, I thought Helios was a god. He is a Titan?
If so, kinda like Prometheus then… I wonder if Prometheus has any legacies.

man i hope every character in the storyline has a god’s descendancy so everyone’s unique and special :smiley: