Spirit Weapons from Arcane Adventures?

So, quite recently within the grand scheme of things, we were introduced to Spirit Weapons, but that raises the question, “where have they been all this time?” Well I think they’ve been here all this time, they just got slightly new lore.

Spirit Weapons, despite their in-game appearance, are stated by a single ghost dialogue to be very powerful, legendary even, which brings me to the main culprit for this theory, Aethereal Ornament, the Legendary Exalted Magic Weapon.
I’ve gotten a small chance to use this weapon for a limited time in Arcane Reborn, and I can definitely back up that it’s strong, but what makes me think it’s a Spirit Weapon?
Now, you may know that Aether Magic has a certain significance that others don’t, that being that it’s directly named after Aether from Greek Mythology, the personification of the bright upper sky, hence it being bright, but not quite Blinding.

Now, since there’s a Greek God based around Aether (and a confirmed War Seas Aether Spirit Weapon-wielding miniboss) it’s not too outlandish to say that Aethereal Ornament could be a Spirit Weapon prior to Spirit Energy being added to the lore. It’d explain why people don’t just use “Ornaments” to do everything Magic-related, seeing as how there’s no downside. You can’t just make one for any magic, because you need it to be imbued by a Greek God.

Funnily enough, it matches up mechanically too. Sure, there’s no spirit-based attacks on Aethereal Ornament, but there are the two attacks based on the god who enchanted the weapon. What a coincidence that two is the exact amount in both types of weapons. It probably is just a coincidence though.
The attacks also match up quite well, being instantaneous when charged due to light travelling instantly.

Our next little creature on the list is another one that I’ve strived to have in Arcane Reborn for a while, please welcome the Dead Revival Staff!

Staffs are not out of the question to be a Spirit Weapon, with the Staff of Night being the first boss drop Spirit Weapon. Which god blessed it? Hades I suspect.
Hades is already directly associated with Dead Revival, and I believe is responsible for teaching it to Durza. Surely he could successfully enchant a staff to be able to carry out Dead Revival. I mean, surely his only god power isn’t just owning land in the afterlife metaverse. Not counting Cursed Earth Magic, because that’s his Magic, not his god power.

Lastly, and most confusingly, we have Apotheosis.
Now, more than anything, I was inclined to add this one because it’s another thing from Arcane Adventures that we really don’t know what it is. A Spirit Weapon is honestly a really unlikely possibility.
Sure, this whole topic is about if these items became Spirit Weapons when the lore was swapped around a bit for AO, but you’d be changing a lot more than just the standard of its creation.
Let’s assume we can work this out though. There’s a possibility that Phoenix matches the god power of Apollo, who is usually associated with light, sun, life, and sometimes rebirth. These themes are identical to that of the Phoenix. So, we do have a god to go with it. It’s not like it using Phoenix Fire ruins it, it’s just kind of Phoenix-colored, not actually using Phoenix Fire, which seems quite in the lines with other Spirit Weapons, sharing close similarities to a magic, but not really being that magic.

Now, there’s only really two other problems, but honestly, I don’t even know if the first one is canon. I’d be a fool not to include them though, especially after saying how much they make it hard to call Apotheosis a Spirit Weapon.
Apotheosis is said to be able to speak to its’ user, which is kind of a hard sell. I mean, a sentient staff? Where’d this come from? It’s honestly equally outlandish even without it being a Spirit Weapon.
Lastly, Theos was never really known to be a friend of the gods. Not an enemy, but also not buddy-buddy with them. I’d hardly call him a “follower” given the way other Oracles are described. Theos has been known to be a protector of the mortal, emphasized by him never collecting a Curse, and eventually after his death, he became a god of a different sort. Not a physical god, but a god with followers and beliefs. I simply don’t see him getting a Spirit Weapon.

But hey, that’s just a theory, a theory that still has two sections that aren’t disproven!!! Thanks for reading.
Funny coincidence that all of these are my ideal loadout in AR.

Have you considered:

The gods can bless shit with control of magic energy too Yknow, it might be like a chaos version of spirit weapons

It’s possible, but since when?

Certainly as long as spirit weapons

So far, all we’ve seen is Lightning (Zeus actively controls lightning), Shadow (Nyx actively controls night) and Aether (Aether is Aether). None of those are Magic, really.

Lets be real here

Arcane reborn will sometimes not be canon and legendary weapons/drs are old so we dont know if its even related to spirit weapons or is canon like apotheosis, one connection with those weapons could be morocks greatsword as it was infused with the power by morocks curse (which is prolly no longer canon or never was). So these weapons are pretty much just magic weapons like arcanium (other than drs idk about that) like aetherals

Didnt read it but just making a theory on what tis post be (will read when I come back because I HATE THE BUS)

So you are saying the gods, even before magic manipulation was gifted to humanity, ONLY gifted humans artifacts with the ability to control spirit energy? Despite magic being objectively stronger as a weapon?

Well, it was before Magic was invented, silly.

Does he know

Prometheus went and gave the people magic, don’t say “Does he know” if you’re trying to make a point.
I’m willing to be convinced, you just haven’t said anything convincing.

The gods had magic the whole time, hence them gifting it to humans instead of inventing it for humans

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Did they? I didn’t know that.
But still, it’s never been said that they CAN make Magic Weapons, since we’ve never seen one in a modern context.

Ok, but has it been said they can’t?

I don’t see why the default would be only being able to bless things with spirit, especially with Prometheus doing that exact thing to all of humanity

I mean, just think about it. If a god could gift a follower with a weapon that casts magic instead of Spirit Energy and their god power, why have they never done it?

I’m saying they have, which is what the aetherial ornament is

What? No. If we want to get technical, the description for the item says it was made by a powerful Aether user. What makes the theory different is that it’s about if it could have been retconned into a Spirit Weapon. That doesn’t refute my theory by saying “it’s enchanted by god magic”, because we know it never was.

It can’t prove that gods can enchant things with their magic like they can with spirit, because that’s not what it is.

Nah gods were magic users

But when you use circular reasoning, it all of a sudden makes sense?

(I’m not saying I’m using circular reasoning btw)

If you were baiting, you’d tell me, right?

How is this bait

You are saying
“Aetherial ornament is spirit weapon, because if it’s a spirit weapon, then it can’t be a magic weapon!”

That’s not what I’m saying at all.
I’m saying that you can’t disprove my theory by saying that Aethereal Ornament is imbued with Aether Magic rather than Aether God Power because prior to any Spirit-Related retcons it wasn’t a God-made weapon, it was made by a powerful Aether Magic user.