[SPOILER] Angel's Promethean Flare?

So from what i knew, Angel mutated her Promethean Flame into Promethean Flare
Orginally i thought she was an idiot for give up a litetally God magic just to have some rare mutation
However, as you can see from the picture above, her flare turn from yellow-orange into white-black
( which made me thought it was Equixno for a second )
So i guess maybe Promethean Flare was actually an even stronger version of Promethean Fire and even allow her to use even more magic, this time even include light-related magics, aside from only fire-related magics like Promethean Fire and i was the idiot here
So i just a question that does her Promethan Flare stronger or weaker than Promethean Flame ? Consider other that the black-white flare, i have only see Promethan Flare as a ( probably ) stronger, brighter version of Promethean Flame

On second look the flare look more pure white than white-black
Maybe i’m wrong

If you can mutate promethean fire. What would happen if it was mutated into promethean darkflame?

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I think the white black might be Equinox? might be wrong. I would assume flame magic become flare magic would make it more powerful however that begs the question "can true curses be mutated?

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As long as Rebecca gets beaten up Idc whether Angel used Promethean Equinox Flare, but wouldn’t that just blow her cover considering she used Promethean Fire (sort of)?

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Looked at it and it’s definitely not Equinox. Equinox wouldn’t make sense given her minds, so I guess it’s just Promethean Flare but more powerful, making it black and white. Promethean fire is white so it does make sense.

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fucken spoilers, jeez

Promethean Flare can take the forms of the Grand Fires but its Flare

aka Inferno Flare, Promethean Flare, Darkflame Flare, Scorch Flare yadayada

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Sorry, will remember next time

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