[SS] Stay With Me

Footsteps can be heard going up the stairs outside the cells. Criminals locked up in Silent Tower only knows two things when they hear them, one, another criminal that got caught or two, a criminal about to be executed.

The layout of the prison you see, is a tower. At the bottom part of the tower lies the commissioner, the middle will be where criminals are locked up, and the top where the magic council captain awaits for your execution. Because of the prison being a tower, it made it almost impossible to escape by either outside, where you’ll die without being able to fly and hover or inside, where you’ll have to face the commissioner and captain.

This time though, is the execution of a notorious criminal known in the East Peninsula, The Minotaur. If you’re curious how such a notorious criminal got caught by the magic council, well, Minotaur you see, has a muscle for a brain and pretty much wanted to prove people that he’s the strongest warrior alive. Because of this, he easily fell for the bait from the Magic Council where they spread a rumor of a certain strong warrior that lives inside a cave. The moment Minotaur went inside, three magic council captains we’re waiting. The first captain having gravity magic to pin down the Minotaur and the other two captains having water magic and ice magic to make the Minotaur unable to move. And with that, the Minotaur was easily captured by the magic council.

This news however got the attention of his lover, The Exiled, and cant help but to try and get Minotaur escape his fate. The Exiled though, knows the risk of trying to get Minotaur out of a prison with high security but even so, she can’t just bear to wait and hear the news about his death and so, she rushed to Silent Tower as fast as she could.

Going back to Minotaur, he’s now at the top of the tower with his head on the guillotine. The only thing delaying his death for now is the captain telling him the reason for his execution. The captain then finished telling Minotaur the reason for his execution and said “Any last words before your head gets chopped of?” but just as about he start saying his last words, a noise can be heard below the tower followed by the tower shaking.

It was Exiled using raging storm on the middle part of the tower which made it shake. Thinking it delayed the execution, Exiled shouted “Haaaaaaaaaaaah!!!” as she brute force her way inside the tower up to the very top where Minotaur awaits her.

“It can’t be…!”, Minotaur whispered to himself. Just a few seconds later, Exiled arrives the very top floor, grasping for air after trying to rush to him.

“You idiot! Why did you even try to rescue me?!?!”, Minotaur shouted. “Don’t you realize how-!”, just as when Minotaur was shouting at Exiled, she interrupted him, “Even so! I’m not a cold hearted woman that would just wait for her lover’s death when she knows when it’s going to happen!”.

“Well well well, didn’t know The Exiled herself has that kind of relationship with someone like him.”, said by the captain towards Exiled.

“Shut up and don’t talk. Let him go and i’ll spare your lives.” said by Exiled towards the captain. The captain replied, “And what if I don’t?” and then Exiled immediately gave him her answer, “Then i’ll kill everyone of you, right here and right now.”.

The captain not acepting Exiled’s negotiation, he told Exiled, “Hmph, then i’d like to see you try and kill me.”.

Exiled knowing the captain’s answer, she started using raging storm but all of them missed the captain. “Haha! What are you even trying to aim for?”, said by the captain.

Exiled replied with, “Look behind you idiot.” and as the captain did, he was greeted by a large punch which made him fly accross the room. This was of course, Minotaur’s doing.

Minotaur said, “Sheesh, you nearly striked my head you know?” and Exiled replied, “Knowing you, those slashes won’t be enough to cut off your head.”.

Minotaur said, “Huhuhu! Well that’s true.” followed by “Well then, we better get going. That punch alone isn’t going to keep that captain lying on the ground. I didn’t feel like hitting him directly you see…” and after that, Exiled nodded and followed Minotaur as they both go down the Silent Tower.

After escaping the Silent Tower, magic council soldiers we’re chasing them and of course, the captain tried to catch up with the magic council after regaining consciousness however, the two of them managed to shake them off considering the captain was late.

Exiled asked Minotaur, “Hey, why don’t we move to a place far from here?”. Minotaur answered by, “Huhu, but there’s a lot of strong people here and pay back what those cowardly captains did to me.”.

Exiled replied, “But I don’t want to have the risk of you dying again!” followed by, “Please… For the sake of our child and as it’s father, let’s go far from here…!”. Minotaur tried to think through his decision and answered Exiled, “Huuu… Let’s go then. I don’t want to die without seeing what our child would look like.” followed by, “I’ll be embarrassed as a father, huhu!”.

Exiled had her tears drop with joy considering Minotaur agreed to her request. After going to a place where the magic council won’t reach them, their child was born and it turned out to be a girl. They named their daughter, Mie, which is a combination of Minotaur’s first two letters and Exiled’s first letter. And with that, they lived happily as a family.

The End


Oh and here’s Mie~
For those who saw her as “Exiled-Chan”, screw that cuz I changed my mind and made her the daughter of Exiled and Minotaur.


