Stances and Sheath Positions

Stances and Sheath Positions
effort 4.916666666666667 12 quality 4.923076923076923 13 reasonability 4.785714285714286 14


Add two buttons on the bottom left and right of equipped weapons that can be cycled through. Each button would be able to change a vanity aspect of the weapon, particularly where it is sheathed and its holding stance.

Details/background on your proposal

As it stands, the ways you can hold or store weapons can be seen as boring or problematic, For example, the Sunken Sword doesn’t pair well with many capes, as it clips through. However, this suggestion would attempt to alleviate that by appeasing both parties of “I want it on my hip” and “I want it on my back”.
Each weapon would have different choices, with particularly large weapons only storable on the back. You would also be able to change the directions of the weapons. For example, Atlantean Greatsword, despite not going on the hip, would be able to be changed from facing to the left to facing to the right. Additionally, again as an example, Sunken Sword would be available on the Right Hip, Left Hip, Right Back, or Left Back. Dual Bronze Flintlocks would be available on the Torso or Hips, and Plunderers would only have the one sheath position (Torso+Hips).

Furthermore, I propose weapon stances to help with the cool factor. For example, greatswords would be available in their current “Side Stance”, or a “Front Stance”, where the weapon would still be held with two hands, but it would be positioned to the front, pointing out and up.

Reason to add/change

This is a vanity feature, as weapons in certain positions could interfere with people’s outfits. The feature would help fix that, allowing people to have more freedom in their weapon stance and their sheath positions.

TL;DR: Add weapon sheath position and weapon stance changing. These would be exclusively vanity.


vanity!!! yes!!! yeah!!!


The drip update…


Yes yes 100% yes I want this

i just want my back sunken sword and hip dual swords :pensive:

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I want to be able to put katanas on my back so it lines up with my colossal greatsword

i want sunken sword on my back and/or atlantean rapier on my hip

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i dont use weapons but I see why this would be amazing for people who do

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If magic and fs can customise animations I don’t see why weapons can change sheathing positions

i never realized how much i wanted this until now

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Finally I can make my shield ‘invisible’ because it hides behind the travelers backpack instead of being all ugly around the arm

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finally i can make my shield cool because it’ll be on my arm instead of being stuck on my back when unequipped

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Perhaps doing this could also change the hand you hold one-handed weapons with, to “avoid” the problem of limb-loss.

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Neat idea, wouldn’t be too hard to implement I’d imagine as vetex could probably use attachment points or something, not sure but I’d imagine that would work.

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i dont think it would necessarily work like that but go off brother

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i’d put 0 stars because i am an evil mage that hates all weapon related stuff. but eh, i guess it won’t be that bad, tho please give us cosmetic magic cirles pwease

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And also please make the weapons selectable by mouse scroll, so i can scroll with my mouse instead of clicking the numbers on the keypad…

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are you a suggestor

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I’ve got a feeling, some time during or after full release, weapons are getting a lot more.

I mean, no real awakening, no vanity options, no move customization, no weapon aura, and half of the build stats are based around this programming. It sure deserves it.

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