Started working on my second event

(i assume this is off topic bc the post in general isnt about the game)

so as some of u guys might known, a month ago I did a event [Giving rare items for free (done)] , and i would say it was a success, now how the items were spread on that event was like this:

when i get 5 sets from this specific item/boss then i mark the item/boss as done, anything in plus goes in as well

so now instead of 5 its 10, which means in general that more items are gonna be in, now the first one took me 3 months to finish.

Now the luck buff made it easier to get drops meaning i expect it to take as long as the first one, the event will also be made with the feedback that i got, i also know some people want to donate and i will open donations when im near done

here is the progress so far, i might make multiple posts updating u guys

well guys, helios guy is near me, dude this helios member is chill as heck

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If this is another giveaway I’m gonna be dumb and say calvus gear is pretty mid lol :sob:

just like the last event i made, plus dark sea stuff

calvus gear is still fine with the right equipment.

carina gear:

elius gear:

cernyx gear:

All boss gears are viable depending on the build. What’s your point?

that’s sorta the thig.

calvus gear just isn’t as good as the ones I listed imo, probably because they have weird stat multipliers due to giving 3 stats at once.

last time people voted that they thought calvus needed more items

depends on the build, for an attack speed build elius gear would be trash and if you’re trying to run power cernyx isn’t very good.

All boss gear fills its own niche, same with calvus gear so it doesn’t matter if you think its worse it depends on the player using it and making it work.


when’s the event?

i gave lots of rare items for free, including, boss drops, stat resets, sunken, enchant scrolls, etc, u can look on my christmas post where i give a arcsphere for free for more info on how the event is going, there should be a clickable thing to extand it

no but like when is the event

going to start?

when is gonna be ready, on the good side, i almost got 2 sets of sunken warrior
