Everyone seems to have a consensus that anything that isn’t power or defense is garbage.
o k
That’s true for right now. Even with stat scaling reworked, there is no difference in casting speed, no difference in destruction, no difference in magic size, no difference in anything really. Unless you make a build specific to that stat…which isn’t practical. The only stat that seems to make a difference that isn’t P&D is agility.
Sure, other stats will become stronger in the future. And So Will Power/Defense. Just how long will these two stats dominate the meta?! What do you guys think? Are other stats trash? Or is the stat system fine the way it is?
Power and defense will briefly not be meta, as logarithmic scaling will have a small window (likely around level 200) where you need to invest a significant amount of your build to get a meaningful (but worthwhile) reward out of the percentile stats.
Then it’ll go the other way - at level 1,000, putting a single enchant on your gear will get you the same reward that a level 200 would get from putting that enchant on their entire set. Building your entire set for one of the percentile stats will be pointless, as logarithmic scaling gives rapidly diminishing returns, and for practical purposes you’d be no better than someone who’d just dropped one or two enchants on it.
At level 5,000, the meta will be “get some tiny amount of the four useful stats while sacrificing as little of your build at possible, then put the rest of your build into power and defense, since they’re the only stats that scale properly”.
It’s sad but true. I personally would’ve preferred the linear scaling because then at least minimaxers who put everything in knockback could add some variety for example.
LMAO, I’m using a Lv. 80 Bursting Dull Magic Size Amulet and it grants enough Magic Size (34) to increase my attack sizes by ~10%
Vetex has stated that 160 Magic Size increases your attack sizes by ~50%, so no, Magic Size (and pretty much all other stats, excluding Destruction of course) is not useless.
I’d say that each stat needs its own scaling (in particular relative to the amount of the stat that gear at certain levels gives of it), so that the aforementioned issues with the meta being shifted at certain intervals of levels don’t happen.