Stellari’s Doodle Thread

While the pose might not be the most amazing, there is just something so captivating with the lighting that makes a simple standing pose looks very interesting

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Aaayeee, Noelle’s not crying this time! That’s an improvement!

Seriously, though, take your time and engage with the forum however much or however little as you want. This place isn’t always the best, and I understand wanting to take time off from it.


aahh gosh i didn’t expect to get kind replies to my messages :sob:
i’m not open about myself on here much because of the nature of the community but thanks for y’alls support :,)


Also, just an update on the forum: Acko’s gone. You’ll have to start buying your Dame Caesennia art from elsewhere.

I just looked into this. Fuck…

I can see why, though. I think the request post was the final straw for him 'cause of how the community is :sob:

Yeah, I was saddened too, but uh, considering that he got hit by among the worst of the artist reactors (the only one getting worse stuff was Mirage), I kinda get it. Plus, while he posted pretty frequently, there’s a non-zero chance he couldn’t post everything he wanted to due to the rules and like.

Or maybe he was just burned out on Arcane Odyssey. I sure as heck am.

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I fully suspect it was the latter stuff…

I hate this community, fr.
I love it for the great people like those who reside in this thread, but I hate it for everything else.


Wait, what exactly happened to Acko if I may ask here?

Acko requested his account be deleted. Anonymized, to be exact. It does mean (iirc) that he can’t recover it, though.
His posts remain, however.

Again, I suspect it was partly because of the requests thread he did, and the shit that went down overall with the community and his posts.

IT FEELS GOOD HEARING FROM YOU AGAIN!! i missed your art so much, especially you!! you also have improved, im surprised :open_mouth:

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i honestly dont know if coming back will be good for my health

there’s a lot of conflicts and stuff happening between people i trust/have trusted and its something i want nothing to do with :smiling_face_with_tear:
i told myself when entering this fandom that i wouldn’t let drama or disputes drag me down but lately fellow artists and friends have been getting into bad situations that are out of their and my control as much as i’d like to help

ive been thinking of when i’ll make a full return but given how much hostility there is at this point i don’t want to get dragged into a bad situation unintentionally
and also because stuff like this is just super draining even if i tell myself to always help no matter how tired i am lol; i cant really control being tired because it’s inevitable when surrounded by this environment
that’s sort of the main reason some of my friends are inactive too :dotted_line_face:

this is probably the only time im gonna say my feelings in the forums
im normally not very open here but since this is regarding the forums itself i might as well just say it
and i also just dont want someone to XDDDDDDDDDDDDD me; i’d rather just not get involved with anything


on a better note- here’s a wip
drawing an alternate version of Noelle if nothing bad ever happened to her LOL


so sorry that my recent posts as of late have been so melancholy/negative, i have better things coming up i promise ;;^ ^


Most fandoms have messy aspects. Engage with what you want, disengage with what you don’t; you’re under no obligation to do otherwise. You absolutely do not owe anyone here a single thing. If you want nothing to do with this place, or only wish to post art here, I wouldn’t blame you in the slightest.

I can’t say artists are the best treated people here, at least not in my experience, so I understand your reluctance. Between the braindead comments and harassment on artistic choices, it can be tedious at times. Again, it’s your life and your time; do as you will with them.


Similar to what Gamehero14 said,

You don’t owe anyone here a single thing, so feel free to interact or only post art here and do anything you feel comfortable doing. I’m like this too most of the time with how cancerous it can get, it is advised you just look at other artists’ art rather than a conversation about game balance or updates.

It is honestly depressing how it turned out like this, but it is up to you if you want to still engage with the fandom, limit it, or outright not interacting with the fandom


When things Went too far :')

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I can’t make a full response rn due to time constraints (I’ll try later), but I just want to say that I fully understand and agree with your take on the community
shit sucks around here.

this isn’t the forums I remember from WoM. It’s just hateful.


Got somewhat of a more in-depth response now…

The AO fandom really has just fallen apart, as I mentioned in passing before. Hell, the entirety of the world wide web is just so insanely hostile and polarized now. I had been looking at some old internet culture from… I don’t know, 2012? 2010? Regardless, the simple atmosphere of how people act was so different.
Spite and hate wasn’t what it is now. Trolling was just elaborate digital pranks, and that was about as mean as it got. What you’ve brought up here, it’s just become more apparent how fucked everything in even just the forums have become.
It’s been a huge change since it was just Suncry being a source of toxicity. When everyone could identify the problems and send the fiends hurtling back to the shadows in disgrace. Now, there’s just baseless hostility. There’s no sense of community anymore; or if there is one, nobody’s doing a good job of maintaining the camaraderie and community itself.
Kind of surprising how much of this comes down to political disagreements, too… The greater Web has bled into much of the communities we are part of, unfortunately.

As for the part about friends dealing with things, and conflicts… Yeah. Yeah…
I know. All too well, exactly how that is. It’s agonizing, and the conflicts can become so insanely heated (and sometimes originate for practically no reason, or you’re being backed into a corner to spark a fire for a conflict)
Honestly, it ties into what I mentioned earlier. The divides that grow because of how people change, and the exposure to the greater World Wide Web. Maybe I’m hitting the wrong points here, but the polarization of people can really strain the interpersonal relationships we hold. Especially when people become “You’re with my side, or you’re against me and arrogant” regarding anything.
…And I’ve had my own fair share of dealing with that one. Recently, too.

I don’t have a solution for it, as usually, nobody’s willing to put their allegiances aside for the people they otherwise care for. But, I want to make it apparent that, as a lot of people deal with it, there’s people who understand and know that strife.
…I went off track there, but I still wanted to say it.

I too want to help a lot of people I’ve known, even though I can’t. It’s been weighing on my heart, and it hurts so fucking badly when it keeps getting worse for them, or their pain just has no end.
Again, I’m not a man of answers; I can’t help provide a solution here. People may say “Just worry about yourself” as genuine advice to help, but it is never enough, at least if you ask me. It’s not that simple, and it never will be. That’s the point I get stuck at, and I fully understand this particular strife. I won’t give my solutions to it, as I don’t think they’re healthy, but nobody has given me anything better to work with.

Also, if anyone does this and makes light of it, or seeks to mock someone’s struggles, I’m gonna be the old guard here and get your ass off the forums.


If you want a less toxic community, AO Tumblr is really nice! We’ve somehow collected almost all the good forumers and none of the drama-starters


Woah… seriously?

I’m hopping in to Tumblr then