Storyline Update


no way


20 characters

Headless goin’ chop ya head off if he finds this…

I think you should be able to change what storyline you are on ;Also IMO 2 Storylines is kinda restrictive, Like what about Bounty hunters/ Pirates/ Dark Wizards/Heroic Wizards. With a Branching path or somthing.

dark wizards and heroic wizards are literally the choices you have. pirates dont have magical powers, same with bounty hunters.

Yea but some people don’t use magic, and Also isn’t good vs evil kinda basic. Like pro/Anti Magic Council would be a little better as you could be both neg-Karma and Pro MC or Pos-Karma and Anti-MC

Last time you had no choice whatsoever, so I think this is good enough.

Yea but a Main plot-line works for both Neg-Karma and Pos-Karma and because of this it didn’t really force you to pick a side, While with a Good/Evil System It just kinda seems like calling all Pos-Karma good and all Neg-Karma evil and that’s kinda Rubbish In my Opinion.