Strength Charging

Wonder how Strength charging will look like.

i’m guessing red

Probably depends on the fighting style


Can’t wait to charge out canon balls. :smirk_cat:

Perhaps you juggle the cannonballs for the charging animation


No… I want to charge out canon balls! Not be a clown or somethin

Where are they firing out of? :flushed:

I’m wondering if basic combat’s charging at a high level will look like an ultra-instinct aura like what shaggy used to have


I love how you say Shaggy instead of the guy that the transformation literally came from


It’s funnier if we talk about shaggy and not goku

I refute animes.

Didn’t the transformation come from Son Wukong first?

man I now want to add a “bend over” animation and add some style name customization to be able to say “ass blast!” as my avatar spreads wide open to fire a giant metal ball at my enemy and my character makes a :weary: face while doing so and then going back to normal like nothing happened until I use the move again.

and it applies to magic too so I can make magma users actually use their magic for what it truly is (taco bell aftermath)


I feel like psychological counseling may be your best pathway


Maybe it was inspired (although I can’t find anything about it) but the transformation itself came from Goku and wasn’t ripped from monke like some of his other stuff

I am the most psychologically logical person here however crystalys. I believe this new implementation of the anus ejection animation for cannon style and magic spells will increase the AO playerbase by 6.4% overall, causing vetex to generate much more revenue compared to before.:face_with_monocle:

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This one’s sanity must’ve already crumbled.


The Ignition Union won’t be intimidated by some out of touch scholar.

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I think pure fighting charge should just be a pose based on what fighting style you have, weapon fighting style should have you hold your weapon when you do it, magic fighting will put your magic charge effect around you, and vitality I guess shows the spirit stuff