"Strongest" Clans/Guilds

You know, I used to have a ton of screenshots of really cringy Arcane Reborn clans. Eventually, I wanted to organize them into one cringe folder. But I never got around to it, nor did I backup the images to drive. That laptop is broken now, so I may never get those images back.

Please do not declare that your clan is or will be the strongest unless you have some actual major accomplishments behind you. Nothing’s funnier than seeing new guilds and new clans with descriptions like these.


wonder if there’s someone who’s competing for the title of the weakest clan/guild known to war seas?

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Kids on World of Magic fr be claiming they’re gonna rule the seven seas. Who’s gonna tell them it’s on the other side of the world? Then when you ask them what their plan is, it’s “Idk.”

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their first plan should be “read arcane lore”

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Darkfish is clearly the strongest group on arcane oddysey tho
While yall weaks gonna fish on first sea we going go fish on dark sea :sunglasses:

I think legit everyone is gonna do that



cool story i have about this that i posted in the suncry discord imma copy it rq

i met this guild leader ingame which in his guild desc was all like
“we will become greatest guild
we will defeat enemy guild
we will take over suncry”

when i clapped his buttcheeks like a mother to her 4yr old son, he ran away
so i berated him and called his guild bad, and he then called me bad because i wasnt gonna chase him when he had an agility build

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Yea but them not gonna survive long enough

“Cry more, you never gonna be faster than me”

“cry more, you’ll never be as strong as me”

perfect comeback
