Studio Builds: Unofficial Dark Sea Structures


This is a complication of some Dark Sea structures that either didn’t fit into AO or never made it into the game. The two larger structures are just concepts that I turned into physical builds to help visualize my ideas, and the 50ish original Dark Sea structures were made before the Dark Sea update, and are not the same as the 30 structures that were added to the game.

━━━━━━ Unofficial Dark Sea Structures ━━━━━━

━━━━━━━━━━━ Images ━━━━━━━━━━━

Ancient Altar
A concept for a random spawning structure that could have spawned in the dark sea. There isn’t any deep explanation behind the altar besides the visuals clearly showing some sort of ritual that required 4 sacrifices to lift the altar into the air. I’d imagine they were trying to harness or call upon chaos.

Atlantean Fort
I built this concept for a random spawning Dark Sea event similar to Siren Rocks. The fort would be filled with Atlanteans, maybe even a boss or unique variant, and would have a guaranteed amount of sealed chests. I was inspired by Forts of The Forgotten from Sea of Thieves.

Original Dark Sea Structures
I made these structures before the 30 that made it in-game. These ended up being too detailed and didn’t fit the style of AO to make it into the game. A few of these were repurposed for the 30 that made it in, but with heavy modifications to fit with the style of AO. You can find those in the Dark Sea so I won’t post those here.

New Dark Sea Structures
These are the most recent structures I made. I created these after the 30 Dark Sea structures that made it into the game in the second Dark Sea update. Thanks to @JTN for the statues.


these all look so sick, dude! I can get why the atlantean fort didn’t get in though, imagine being blindly sniped by mortars or cannons you didn’t see. well, maybe edward could tell you about the cannons but certainly not the mortars.


another banger, another banger by tobi

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Thanks, m8! :raised_hands:

The Atlantean fort didn’t fit because Vet said it wouldn’t make sense for Atlanteans to man a fort since they are more like animals. At the time The Dark Sea wasn’t going to receive more content, and something like this would realistically need to come later. So from what I got, It didn’t make it in because it didn’t fit and the Dark Sea didn’t need any more content.

Would be dope if quartermasters could warn against incoming fire.


:pray: thank you!

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oh yeah, absolutely. Especially if they could tell you if you’re getting a little close to a seige weapon on an island or a clan fortress.

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Do they do that for Fort Talos? Would be a neat detail if they did.

they don’t. They only warn against cannons.

Ah, would be cool if the dialogue got expanded to include mortars and other siege weapons that may get added. Not sure what is planned.

These would have been sick if they were added into the game!

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:frcryin: Sick until you drop down to -60 frames. Well I mean the Dark Sea already does that anyway. :skull:

I honestly can’t imagine these structures causing horrible lag if an island as wide as orthys and taller than the stepstones causes no lag when it randomly generates out of nowhere when it also probably has a bunch of structures on it.

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I think the main thing is that they didn’t fit the style of AO, and part of that is because they are too detailed.

If builds are too detailed it lags the game too hard because of roblox’s engine. If roblox improves their engine that would fix alot of issues about Arcane Odyssey and other detailed games as a whole.

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it’s him, john studio.


I would love to have more non-island preset structures in the dark sea.
don’t we just have one not including the epicenter?
that being the underwater forest with the tower in it somewhere.

alot of these also just straight up look better than the structures ingame lol

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Tobi in his free time making more than vetex makes as a full time job… this chicken is WELL SEASONED

keep cooking, chef’s kiss


I agree roblox could improve A LOT, but I think placing the blame solely on roblox just deflects valid concerns that are brought up around optimization.

No way, where!? :eyes:

Definitely going to get more later on. The Dark Sea right now was added as just a base to build off of.