Study, featuring caroline

dumb dumb warlock who steals
sorry if it looks off i know the hat is, actually no im not sorry

gonna practice more of these so i get gud :hungry:


That’s some fire art right there!

Holy, that looks amazing

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Dang the rendering is beautiful

I think we should lobotomize this dude.

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… n’t because she has pink hair, is a criminal, and looks gay- oh my god she’s Vi from Arcane.

Beautiful rendering, though.

Thank you theunfunnyperson, very cool!

wise choice, she will ruin your life

wait she will RUIN me?

How long did this take you compared to your normal drawings?

this took like around 3 hours, started from about 11 pm til 1:30 am ish

yes, rob you of your material possessions before beating you up

im gonna be executed in 3 days :+1::+1::+1::+1:

your name speaks true



sickle why are you such a good artist but you refuse to draw your own profile and instead use that shitty thing i made for you like 6 months ago in about 3 minutes

i like it