Stupid ways to win at pvp

Post the dumbest ways to win in a fight here, such as insanity 5 gel or blastmaxxing (every projectile you have being spammed at one)

Metal magic

As a metal conj because you didn’t include mage in it its kos

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I dont care, every metal user is the same. Annoying pvphead looking for more bounty thats gonna get reset next update


Metal user? This includes warriors, warlords, knights, certain paladins and juggernauts (Hephaestus spirit weapons) Enizor (his pacemaker) the entirety of Ravenna, sameria, and keraxe (their swords and armor) peacekeeper (savant) morock (I guess it’s mostly fire now but the hilt still counts) chaos itself (metal magic) and everyone with blood (hemoglobin) now get rid of all your blood filthy metamancer

Happened to me once. A dude snared me straight off elysium

@001 what do you have to say for yourself about knocking people off elysium

Oh yeah we cant forget about the unmatched power of a supernova (iron fusion)

Carry an oil barrel constantly and use it on people who jump you.

It is the ultimate confusion hit.

As a person who mains explosion I gotta disagree

hes talking about magic

Sorry did someone say oil?

Bruh it’s a joke because functionally every character in the verse utilizes metal in some form

Thats why I hate existence and main attack size to completly annihilate every moving being from another island


i got a vid of this happening but can’t show it for reasons

way back in 1.11.9 where my friends still played :smiling_face_with_tear:

Mood ™

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that is the first time I have EVER seen one of your clanmates at all

Embed fail ™

you saw nothing