Suggest a feature that will make you public hero #1

Item crafting.
Just like. take materials that already exist ingame (or add more idk). and let us make armor/weapons.

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LET HIM COOK (Complete sentence)

Gonna go through this thread and repost everything in Suggestions, thanks

While you’re their can you ask for metal imbue to not have ugly chunks on it?

Youll die :fearful:

50 posts were split to a new topic: Discobot fortune

Multi-casting from Terraria. Catch 6 things at once or something with the right build. Cutting that time Sunken Grinding to a sixth of it what it was. Maybe potions you can throw into the water to boost rates of larger fish, or increase how quickly something will bite (even if it’s an item).

Make it so we can change the fighting style / magic on gear at enchanters or something.
Also make it so we can use blank gear even if we got magic, blank arcanium is drippy :sob:

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I think that defeats the purpose of those

(Except the fighting style you should be able to change that to your fighting style at a tailor or smth)

No I mean change it between your magics if you got 2 or something
you can kinda already do that by trading with other players, it is just really inconvient.

Oh yeah that’s an awesome idea

Better idea, what if when you get arcanium with 2 or more magics, it lets you choose what to conduct through it. Wouldn’t work in lore for fighting styles though.

make legendary charts more difficult (in some way aside from just adding more locations, that’s boring) and make the lot far better.
hopefully would make them interesting and actually worth doing

Cloth physics


Once vetex finishes AO, he makes Abyss Sea a reality (in another game ofcourse)

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After finishing the story and getting max level with one character can I be given the option when creating new files for the character to start max leveled and ascended?

Would save me a lot of time testing builds and skip the entire story I already went through a dozen times.

That’s gonna be a game pass according to trello

Cant believe this thread got ripped off :frpensive:

While shooting and standing on a moving ship, you stick to the ship instead of falling off like a dumbass

Or if that’s too hard, a pad you can stand on that makes you stick to the ship

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