Suggest a feature that will make you public hero #1

Curse Bomb has nothing on Lightbulb Smash

Wait no light paladin cuz the sun is a helios spirit weapon

Cant wait for the apex of this world to be the tower and we meet twm

you can use shiftlock with cargo and chests (we know it already works vetex why are you anti qol?)

Give commodore kai a second weapon
aint no way bro is level 300 and only has 2 abilities, give bro a musket or something

He’s level 300 I think the point is in the future when his entire weapons skills are added he will be far more formidable

Deluxe cargo that worth of 5 or 2 normal cargo. (250, 100, or maybe 500 galleons)

clan buildings are too expensive, we need to make cargo run more easier

also maybe add lvl lock or kingdom alignment
thing, you know what im saying

Honestly what we really need isn’t faster galleon farming, it’s more interesting farming. Maybe some kind of mini game like being hired for a shipwringht or something?

or maybe passive galleons from farms bc clan building :skull:
can you level up farms like walls? level 8 farms for maximum profit :money_mouth_face:

or replayable dungeon-crawler style stuff

Item crafting.
Just like. take materials that already exist ingame (or add more idk). and let us make armor/weapons.

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LET HIM COOK (Complete sentence)

Gonna go through this thread and repost everything in Suggestions, thanks

While you’re their can you ask for metal imbue to not have ugly chunks on it?

Youll die :fearful:

50 posts were split to a new topic: Discobot fortune

Multi-casting from Terraria. Catch 6 things at once or something with the right build. Cutting that time Sunken Grinding to a sixth of it what it was. Maybe potions you can throw into the water to boost rates of larger fish, or increase how quickly something will bite (even if it’s an item).

Make it so we can change the fighting style / magic on gear at enchanters or something.
Also make it so we can use blank gear even if we got magic, blank arcanium is drippy :sob:

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I think that defeats the purpose of those

(Except the fighting style you should be able to change that to your fighting style at a tailor or smth)

No I mean change it between your magics if you got 2 or something
you can kinda already do that by trading with other players, it is just really inconvient.