Suggest a new feature for the game that will instantly make you Public Enemy #1

Raimon is the king of ragebaiters.

Or should I say, RB1aimon!






At max level, players unlock a new xp bar. When this bar fills up via obtaining xp normally, you get a stat reset and the bar resets.

  • The xp required should be really high, maybe something arbitrary like 1 million xp with the current level cap of 140 (realistically it would a multiplier of the xp required to go from [level cap] > [level cap] + 1, probably like 20x or 30x, you could think of it as levelling up X amount of times without xp scaling, just imagine a number that seems reasonable)
More on the xp requirement
  • It should take around a few hours of dedicated grinding to fill up, nothing too egregious

  • A bit of effort should be put into redesigning xp rewards to allow for dedicated grinding of the stat reset. For example, doing difficult dark sea runs should reward the player with a lot of xp. If a player wants to reset their stats, they will be naturally encouraged to push their skill level in the game to obtain it faster, which is (probably) good game design

  • Cannot stack stat resets, bar will not consume if you already have a reset

  • (Optional) If you have a stat reset, the xp bar stops going up if it at or above 50%/halved xp gain/exponentially slower xp gain (reason: prevents xp from immediately becoming worthless after getting a stat reset, prevents this from killing acrimonies, feels right)

Edge cases, e.g. level cap raises
  • (for edge cases) When the level cap raises, xp gain for this bar should be halted and resumed when the player gets back to the level cap. The xp required to get the stat reset will scale appropriately
  • (for clarification) Percentage based xp gain will give you xp based on the percent to go from [level cap] > [level cap] + 1 (example, but i assume you get what i mean)

Experience points are used because they are currently useless at max level yet the main focus when progressing through the story. They’re the natural reward for doing anything in an RPG yet they happen to be worthless to most players in this game, which I find a bit odd. Making xp be used to gain stat resets makes players feel like their PvE gameplay is more valuable as they’ll always be working towards something no matter what they are doing (this is in contrast to gambling for rare items).


  • Players get to objectively have more fun as they get to experiment with more builds and get to play more of the content

  • Adds value to xp, which is incredibly value while progressing but worthless at the level cap (where the majority of dedicated players are at). XP can actually be used as a reward for PvE content instead of Galleons… which are also worthless to the very dedicated players

  • Lowers the price of the acrimony, making stat resets more available to the majority of players and therefore letting them have more fun and try out more of the game’s content (acrimony will not die, it is still 2 stat resets on demand)


  • This feature would be actively detrimental to the games “”“engagement”“” and premium payout profits as it removes the need to grind for an incredibly rare and expensive item with no pity by adding an alternative

  • Negatively affects the stock market

(if this pops off i will put it in Suggestions )




Nah you don’t understand the strat of putting controversial ideas in here in case if they are received terribly, I don’t think this is derailing

And also asking to use a specific thread makes me want to use it less

Bruh I specifically create a thread for the people who wanted to use a thread as a testing area as suggestions

And then they just completely ignore it, why do I even try

Use empires update patch notes (discussion thread) instead of rfao to yap about patch notes :100:

Make it so light and glass can’t clash at all

also crystal, but it changes the color of light

also any solid or liquid magic

Also any gas/energy magic

also any dust/powder magic

Heck, just remove clashing outright.

any 2 attacks that hit each other both explode

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That’s ridiculous, good job for listening to the topic title for once though instead of just posting a low effort real suggestion

and deal full damage to both people (e.g. my spear will burst into bits of shrapnel that all deal the same damage as the spear blast and the fire blast its clashing with will explode as it normally would)

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insanity’s fake damage is real.