Suggest a new feature for the game that will instantly make you Public Enemy #1

elysium makes you lose fame and galleons

make it so whenever you enter the dark sea your spawnpoint is changed to a completely random dark sea island so if you die you’re stuck there.

giving anyone else that isnt every player in the game access to elysium

Community choice:
Pick your Poison
:one: Nerf Virtuous defense heavily
:two: Remove the ability to apply Atlantean onto Virtuous items


Make a feature that punishes the player for fighting too much; you can sometimes get injured, temporarily debuffing your character-…

Wait, hold on, isn’t this one actually coming?

This shit better get me seasoned writer on god I spent an entire mind-numbing hour writing it

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I’ve already been through that, and to be honest if it happened again I would just swim back to the bronze sea like I have done before

It is

Every story contents after redwake, rare weapons and armour, enchantments, dark sea, brig and jewel crafting have to be unlocked with robux, basically just go full EA.

Every equipable item breaks after a certain number of uses, you can’t repair them, and potions go bad after a day (someone probably already said some stuff like this but details).

If your ship sinks you have to rebuy it

Every obtainable spell or technique scrolls actually require you to read it. So you can answer the question at the back of the scroll which your teacher wrote for you.

If you fail to do it. You will get an F on magic/fight style subject. Announce your failure in the chat and in Agora. Delete all scroll from your inventory and block you from getting it again the next time. Your entire crew will be disappoint. Fish will be too disgusted to catch your bait. Your enemy will not be able to hit you neither can you to them due to shame. No npc will talk to you without an insults. You are a fail man. You can’t even read a small amount of text in that scroll.


you don’t keep item drops/chest loot if you die in dark sea

All the people who like reading are going to become the most powerful.

Make the fishing system have a minigame like stardew valley or somethin and have it scale on item rarity (sunken being the hardest). Now you can’t mindlessly watch videos while doing the mind numbing fishing grind. Only way to make this minigame easier is through the sturdy/toughened enchantment on fishing rods.

There isn’t a vanity option

Unironically a good idea


elysium is cool and all as a pvp arena but

what if tartarus (greek mythology hell) was also in AO as like…

a trading hub?

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So basically Ao but it’s asian