Suggest a new feature for the game that will instantly make you Public Enemy #1

female should gain brew/cooking level faster but everyone charges you 20% more
therefore asian woman for all profession boost

Female characters will be hunted and killed by a vague religious organization if they practice brewing. Male characters sometimes will be, too. The chances skyrocket if your character has a bad rep or is older.

oh yeah also instead of 2x bounty for dark it should be 2x notoriety

or black

No, black characters start the game with reduced reputation. They generally aren’t accused of witchcraft as much.

no but they’re accused of trying to summon their father (the devil) each time they brew

wtf has this thread become

ok hear me out
white: gain notoriety half as fast but eating any food with spice takes away 25% of their current health as if it was drawback
light brown: climb faster
asian: better at jewelcrafting and seasoning on cooked food has 20% more effect (eg 30% goes to 36%)
black: increased hunger gained from watermelon and other fruits as well as higher base agility but you gain double notoriety and can even gain it at low levels of fame (5k or below), can also be attacked by gravy at any time as they always have friendly fire enabled with them
and now gender to conclude
male: no buffs or debuffs
female: better at cooking but all shipwrights try to stiff you from 10-50% more cost than its worth on any purchase (repairs, other stuff, etc)

your execution is scheduled for the 25th.

your death will be a jolly one.

nuh uh to the first one

why are you all like this

some guy posted foolery on vetcord and thats my reasoning

vitality actually reduces damage

This is a (planned) feature, it’s called Vitality hybrid second awakening, and Warden first & second awakenings.

deckhands may refuse to join your crew if your ship is too ugly. a ruined archaic hull will guarantee that this happens, and coloring your ship using the ship colors gamepass may significantly reduce the chances of this


ngl i like this idea

Seasoned food in general, brits can’t eat anything that is not beans

I would still play the game T_T

are you implying that all white people are brits :skull: