Suggest a new feature for the game that will instantly make you Public Enemy #1

Make the gravy king admiral be named Nelson

next step: make the gravy’s anthem/theme be “The Death of Nelson”

New gun Air Rifle
It’s like a musket but it can shoot more than once before reloading
You reload by replaced the air canister thingermajig
Also if you imbue wind magic into it you never have to reload

Anything you loot from a boss NPC is removed from their mirage form. Weapons and armor.

And just for an immersion feature, the same applies to the corpses of fallen normal NPCs.

that’s just the air rifle from G&B isn’t it.

No the G&B air rifle has to reloads you have to manage

imagine calvus walking around naked :sob:

Dont mind if I do

Brings a whole new meaning to ‘hey let’s farm calvus’ and ‘killing bosses is fun’

Do you really think he’s wearing nothing underneath all that?
It would get very uncomfortable very quickly

make the power stay be percentage based and fall off with higher values like other stats

same as these formulae

my bad for the horrible screenshot