Suggestion for Tornadoes


Hey everyone, devo here. Before I start this, I’d like you to know that this us my first time posting on the forum, so beforehand I apologize for messing something up. Anyways, back to topic.


As you all may know, the Guild Update is coming within 1-3 days. A feature that’s being included is the addition of tornadoes, as teased in the image below;

Now, hear me out. What if tornadoes could absorb magic? This idea was inspired by Genshin Impact, where if a tornado interacted with a element it would absorb that element and give the effect to other players/mobs (freeze, burn, wet, etc).

This feature could change a lot in a PvP sense. Fire Magic user? Fire some blasts into a nearby tornado and knock your opponent into it, burning them to give you the advantage. Tornado headed for Riverville? Set the whole place on fire! I won’t be listing the other magics since you probably already grasped my point.

Since the update isn’t released yet, we don’t know what vetex has in store for tornadoes. Perhaps tornadoes already have some sort of magic interaction, but we’ll just have to wait and see, won’t we? Feel free to to comment down below on what you think.

Edit: This could give a disadvantage to solid magics.

if i do this on any forest, then…


good one lmao

oh yes, we need more durzass, btw there should be a suggestion where a tornado can’t go to a tournament, im gonna make it lol

tornado durza confirmed

I think this feature would have to have a limit, as in if I fire a level 1 20% Fire blast into a tornado it shouldn’t ignite, or if 1 blast from a level 40 20 barrage enters the tornado instead, but yeah that seems reasonable.

Yeah of course, there has to be enough magic to actually impact the tornado. A blast would simply spin around it a few times and either be launched away or be ripped apart.

the second I hear genshing impact I instantly think of pedophiles

but actually it would be cool if you could temporarily enchance a tornado with a magic (or just destroy it)

like you spam wind blasts into a tornado and it just keeps getting stronger, or you fire fire into it and it turns into a fire whirl

Also this would fit the idea of the tornados being caused by chaos remnats of all the chaos energy that was attracted to the planet when durza commited kamikaze, since magic blasts and stuff are still made out of magic energy, if these tornadoes were fueled by chaos, then they would be enchanceable

wdym durzas, durzsa was the main antagonist of AA, it’s not a tornado lol

I like the idea of wind enhancing tornadoes
Also I’m pretty sure Flare referenced Durza since Durza could absorb magics, like the tornado

There’s like one character where you could argue that people could be pedophilic about because they have the 14673498756938456×10⁵⁴⁶ year old loli archetype but otherwise it’s not pedophilia-related in any respects.

no he calls the tornadoes ‘durzas’ on every single post lol


Seems cool
I don’t think it will be very useful at all or change much (can’t really push people without wind) but yeah its cool

you can get a bit of knockback though

Good luck pushing someone with barely enough knockback to stop their jump into a tornado when they dont want to
I did hear the knockback enchant works but… come on

imagine fighting david and a tornado appears

Magius News

Level 500 fire tornado destroys Summer Hold

king david died to a tornado :skull:

king david farming strat?

criminal criminal criminal
criminal criminal criminal
criminal criminal criminal
criminal criminal criminal

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I was literally just thinking about this lmao.

good. now vote.