Instead of Renown and Bounty being the exact same, with positive rep players having no bounty and negative rep players having renown replaced with bounty, now almost every kind of player can have a bounty.
How I think it would work: Renown
There is now negative renown(red) and positive renown(green). Neutral renown is the same as it was before.
You can gain renown through doing regular renown giving activities, like plundering/rescuing castaways. However, renown doesn’t affect the LB, and instead of gaining more renown from bounty hunting/PVPing players, you can get positive/negative bounty.
Extra: Renown and bounty ARE NOT RELATED IN ANYWAY. You can only be bounty hunted from doing things like killing other players, capturing islands, or harming Grand Navy ships. You can only be contracted by doing things like killing other players, capturing islands, or harming Pirate Ships.
You cannot lose renown from a bounty hunt, all it does is remove/lower your bounty.
The bounty/contract prize gained from harming pirate/navy ships is very miniscule compared to the amount you would gain from attacking Clan Islands or killing players.
You can still reset your fame, but you cannot reset your bounty. The only way to reset your bounty is through either getting rid of it completely by losing to bounty hunters, or by going to jail.
If you don’t have a bounty, doing things like claiming islands will give you renown instead of bounty.
To clarify, you only gain bounty through bounty hunting, and you can only be hunted if you have a bounty. Bounty hunting has nothing to do with renown with my new system.(?)
Things that give bounty:
Bounty hunting other players.
Capturing an island when you have a bounty.(it has to have already been claimed for your bounty to increase)
Sinking players ships(can be limited only to players in clans, so there would be no reason for a player to sink another bountyless player if they aren’t in a clan)
Positive Bounty
Gained through successfully defeating/bounty hunting negative bounty players.
This is positive bounty, and warrants you a spot on the Contract Board.
Successfully capturing an island claimed by a NEGATIVE bounty/reputation player can give you more positive bounty.
However, if you capture an island claimed by a positive bounty player, it won’t give you extra renown/bounty.
Negative Bounty
Gained through successfully defeating/contracting positive bounty players.
This is negative bounty, and warrants you a spot on the Bounty board.
Negative bounty players can gain bounty much easier than positive bounty players(?), mostly because they have more options for evildoing.(this could be equalized, so positive rep players gain more reputation or the contract board has different scaling than the bounty board?)
Negative bounty players will gain bounty from clans even if they capture an island claimed by another negative bounty/renown player.
Clan Bounty/Renown Gain: In depth
Gaining bounty through clans might seem kind of weird, so I think I should explain my idea more.
With no bounty, contesting and successfully capturing a clan claimed island will give renown instead of bounty. The opposite with bounty.
Contesting an island claimed specifically by the Grand Navy will instantly give you 500 bounty.(I mean, what did you expect?)
The same with the Assassins Syndicate.
Idea: Clan based bounties
This isn’t part of the main idea, but what if clans that reach Legendary can place bounties on other players, and the first player to kill said player will gain a Galleon reward deducted from the clans bank?
However, the player that is being targeted has to have already had a bounty.
This is probably one of the more bad ideas out of all this.
Bounty Hunting Cleanup Suggestion
- Bounty papers should tell you where the player is, not an exact marker, but just their current location(someone else already suggested this)
- The Agora should mention if a player is currently hunting another player. This could increase emersion and can still be useful without being so broken(like a marker for your bounties).(I’ll make another idea for this later, in depth)
- Bounties should give more EXP(cmon, 400 EXP for killing a level 100 bounty at level 60?)
maybe not a good idea, but at least it would make bounty hunting among one of the ways to get good EXP while also exploring and maybe even getting a rival.