Suggestions out of suggestions time

non-suggestors’ post you suggestions here (even the wildest ones)

You are suggesting non-suggestors to suggest their suggestions here. So this topic is a suggestion out of suggestions from the start.

technically, it’s not a suggestion
just a place to share ideas

I LEGALLY AVOIDED THE LAW! (complete sentence)

add a longbow with range double the size of thorin’s refuge

Legendary sealed chests that have a chance to replace regular sealed chests.
Similar to legendary charts in AA, but no raid mechanic, easier to identify, less rare, but all at the cost of less reward.
Instead of each reward being a legendary item, it has a 1/10 chance to reward an exclusive legendary item.
If you don’t hit that 1/10, then you get something good too, like a lost magic, or a rare weapon.

This suggestion actually got my request to be a suggestor declined because the guy who decided if I got it or not saw “Item”, and generalized my post as an “add a new item, idk what it is”.

Potions up to T10.

I will spend 100 stormsalt and two sunken elements to create a potion to sink the entire war seas.

make a farting gamepass for 100 robux and if you consume anything then your fart bar will go up and when it’s full you can do a fart which is really stinky and if you have your bar full for too long you’ll poop your pants and if you use potions to fill up your bar you’ll do a “wet and sticky fart” which is just wet poop and if you do wet poop too many times then you’ll have uncontrollable diarrhea and then your pants will fill up with wet poopy and it’ll spill out for everyone to see

Gamepass that gives you an Angry Birds t-shirt

Since i still need a few days before i can even make a request to be a suggestor, may as well start making my example requests to become one when i can make my request

Dark sea explorer NPC’s, since in the trello one of the future plans would be for rare castaways to spawn in the dark sea, there could also be dark sea explorers that instead of being stranded in the waters, would randomly be on islands, at a similar rarity in range 1 the gear they can spawn with is pretty normal with a chance to wear dark sea exclusive gear, they can spawn good or evil, if they are evil, they will say smth about needing your ship to get back to the seas and how they will be taking it from you, if they are good, they will request to be on your ship regardless of your reputation (they can’t afford to be picky)
If they spawn in the later ranges with insanity, they will be rarer and will spawn with at least 1 peice of Theurgist armor, gaining more pieces in each further ranges, when/if additional armor/accessories later in the game also give warding, those in the ranges that give insanity will also have a chance to wear other warding items instead of Theurgist gear

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severely undercooked, cook more

i already see the consequences of my actions

bro cooked up something, smells good

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How do you even cook that idea more?

There is this thing I made

bro cooked


Give Thermo fist 1.8x for all affinities wnd it’s armor is power + defense

About invisibility potions

You’re probably aware that next update, invisibility potions will become completly useless in the dark sea.
While I understand why that change is going to be made (you can currently prevent any atlantean to attack you just by drinking a t1 invisibility potion, wich is really eazy to brew), I think it’s a shame to make this potion completly useless. Also I find it a bit strange that a weak lesser mutated atlantean can see an invisible player while a powerfull enemy like kai can’t.

That’s why I propose this:
Invisibility potions should prevent npcs to attack you if their level is under a certain value that depends on the potion potency (like 100*potency).

In that way, invisibility potions would still have a use, would be more intuitive, and using t2 reagents and golden cauldrons would be required if you want to be invisible to strong enemies.
Since potency has a cap, really strong enemies would still be unaffected and that seems normal: there’s no way an admiral can’t detect an invisible guy just in front of him.

If an enemy is too strong to be affected, it’s aggro range could still be reduced (like aggro_range = normal_aggro_range/(1+49/(enemy_level-max_level_affected))

That’s it, sorry if my english isn’t correct.

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Add a final mode/transformation we can use at endgame/postgame levels that utilizes all the powers we’ve aquired until now at maximum efficiency. This mode would be customizable where you can choose which magic, style or weapon you’ll use as the catalyst of this mode (for example if you’re a mage with water, storm and wave magic, and use water as the catalyst, this mode’s moves will be based off your water spells but use all 3 magics without circles). You could also customize the mode’s outfit and add extra stuff like wings, horns, a cool sword etc.