What would you do to make insanity more scary?

as of now, insanity is more of nuisance to have rather than something actually scary so me and a friend of mine just thought up a few things to change that ( or at least, makes it more varied/interesting )

  1. additional auditory hallucinations
  • when on land: npc alert sound, walking sound, drawing spirit/weapon/magic/fs sound(?)

  • when sailing: ship alert bell, cannon/mortar firing sound, ramming sound ( no, quartermasters wont alert you about this ofc )

  • both: spell/skill/technique casting sound

  1. additional visual hallucinations
  • fake npcs that show up and attack you, would be cool if they’re created using the appearance and abilities of players in the server ( including you, maybe some special dialog for it as well ) but ig randomly made would do too ( maybe have them talk like hero/villain npc too )

  • when in dark sea, they would be replaced with atlantheans instead

  • random body parts would be replaced with an atlanthean one temporarily

  • while outside of dark sea, the scenery around you would be occasionally turned into how it look in dark sea ( constant rain and darkened sky )

  • fake chests and maybe regents that spawn on the ground and disappear when you get closer ( would include the arcimony as well but it doesnt spawn naturally ). not exactly scary, im just feeling sadistic :blush:

  • random body parts disappear/turn into ghost part ocassionaly?

  • npcs ( not combative ones ) around you dying/turn into atlanthean and speak gibberish, house burnings/ being destroyed

  • the sky turns red like how it is at akurius occasionally

  • when you try to rescue castaways, you would hallucinated plundering and killing them instead ( maybe this is real, maybe its not )

  • occasionally get kicks out of your body and turn into a ghost completely. your body will stay in one place ( maybe with its eyes glowing red ) while young can still moving around as a ghost ( this is, ofc, just hallucinationon your side, others people will still see you as normal )

  • when the kingdom alignment stuffs is added, you would hallucinate npcs treating you as negative rep regardless of what your actual rep is ( maybe pump it up if you;re already negative rep, assuming it has different stages )

  • fake castaways that will either disappears or have their platform breaks and drown when you get close to them

  • all words in the game get replaced with gibberish occasionally. if this is too much then could just be the words in chat only

  • hallucinate that the temperature bar gets extremely hot or cold which would give you the extreme heat or sheer cold ( is this even a thing ) effect, dealing fake dmg to you


a scary half transparent realistic ghost face staring at you at a distance like the ghost from Death Forest

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Play this sound randomly at insanity 1 to 4

Insanity 1: Once every hour
Insanity 2: Once or twice every 45 minutes
Insanity 3: Up to three times every 45 minutes
Insanity 4: At least twice every 45 minutes
The intervals/gaps between each time will be completely random. So one can happen at minute 5, and then another at the 43 minute mark; or one at the 10 minute mark, and then another at the 15 minute mark.

Improvement to the idea?
Actually, to make it truly random, make it a 0.0001% chance per second in the Dark Sea, with the insanity affecting the sound of it. It’ll happen eventually to someone.

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Add some kind of screaming noises (especially while underwater); the auditory elements of higher insanity tend to be the ones that get me the worst already. Maybe randomly speeding up and slowing down the area’s music? Besides that:

  • Your face and the faces of others could occasionally disappear
  • Skin could become much paler and more wrinkled
  • If you’re on a ship, the area around you (water and sky) could sometimes turn pitch black so it appears you’re sailing on a void
  • You could appear to be starving, but if you eat, you suffer a debuff and get sick

A lot of your ideas are already really good. It’s surprisingly hard to think of more. :sweat_smile:


yeah thats a pretty good idea actually, sudden and utter silence when something decently happy is playing ( like the sailing theme ) can be pretty terrifying

might be laggy, but make every npc in a certain radius of you automatically turn to look at you and track you until you leave


at insanity 3+: a bunch of half see-through random npcs lying dead on the ground, slowly fading away with the evaporation effect.

also random rumblings and the giant white eyes wail every couple of minutes

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I have had a few ideas when thinking about what would make insanity cooler. These include fake powerful npcs charging at you, traversal abilities being used in the chat by leaderboard players(only for high renown players), and making battle themes randomly play when sailing through the dark sea when there isn’t an actual threat. Overall it would be really funny if rather than obscuring your vision with obnoxious filters it scared you by making you think you’re in danger that you aren’t actually in danger.

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I want the doppleganger MC reveal lore about themselves. About their past, the Order, and many other lore dumps. Of course they will speak in tongues and never really reveal it. Within the veil of insanity, they can see glimpses of the truth.

How about we just make insanity show “fan art”

i said more scary, not lethal

big ass ship appears in the distance coming at you

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For high insanity, unsure if this (the neck part) already ingame, but your neck twisting or going limp in inhuman ways and swaying.

This is really interesting since currently, we know 2 cases of Insanity giving glimpses of the future (One is the guy who tried to warn the people of Akursius Keep, the other is lesser known, the NPC execution dialogue where some NPC seems to see the future) and the fact that Insanity 1+ dialogue can also reveal some things abt MC’s mindset (like them being upset when they think they see people hating them despite the good things they’ve done).

Or perhaps the latter is already a hint towards MC’s past? Though, I cant piece that much from them.


There’s also the “I don’t know how long I can take it day after day…” but im not sure whether this is referring to the hate, or the mc’s state of mind.

I had a headcanon that this specific dialogue is actually MC’s mindset during experimentation, and Insanity is causing them or “relive” that experience, which is why that dialogue exists. Idk if its the same as the other Insanity prompts, might not be, but it is an interesting idea

fake extreme temperature effects depending on the climate you’re in (including notification)

fake extreme hunger effects regardless of how full you are (including notification)

very rare chance of a hit causing you to hallucinate limb loss regardless of actual damage of the attack (including notification)

very rare chance for a fake notification to appear telling the player they received a rare item when fishing, opening chests or obtaining an npc drop (fucking evil)


Actually going insane
As in: not being able to see chat messages anymore
UI being involuntarily hidden (picture mode)
Combat ‘icon’ whenever there’s an npc/player, killable/hostile or not nearby
Friendly fire being on dispite it being off in party

Lobotmy insanity

we going to an mental hospital with this one :speaking_head: :speaking_head: