Suncry-chan Christmas art

From suncry art competition, ending up getting second place. might as well post it here too

the second guy is originally gonna be @EmperorSolstice cause he is the only suncry member i can remember how to draw, but give up cause im too lazy


hi tong

I will never be sexually attracted to suncry-

Mario and Princess Peach. I like it. Tobiemoji_gogogo

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6 fcking months and this is the first thing you post

i lvoe you


Very nice work T///T

This looks very beautiful!

Wait who got first, theres no way someone beat this piece

I have to admit this look amazing

THIS IS SO COOL I LOVE HOW YOU RENDERED THIS, it looks so warm and cozy!!

Glad to see you bro, hope you’re doing well, your art keeps getting better and better. Hope life is good for you!

very very very very cool