Suncry sus

You know, I’m a bit of a contrarian. I have many an opinion that others might disagree with. For example, I’m not a huge fan of Suncry. I know, I know. It’s crazy. How could someone possibly dislike the top guild in the game? Well, let me explain. Ffirst of all, they are very toxic. I dont really like their tendency to gank people who are just trying to play the game for infany very much. 2md, their infamy is pretty sus. Theey dont even dserve the first spot in the lederboard. I think they alt fatm and also hacks. Suncry sus. In addition, they keep chamgning leaders and I think beause fdnfthey cant get a good leder ndfb. Also htyeehfy ganke mee in game and im mad. Suncry sus sunscreen sus. Go gedfgyrut lifes. Plemse look at me I dont like the guild I dont like the guild suncry sus suncry sus Sample Text suncry sussuncry very sussy suncry is cheaters and monerety launderers I dont like u I dont like ur guid give me attentiogtrn pls suncry sus when the topfkg guildf is sus get a life o outside get a girflrienfb touqch graasfgss pick up a football pleawdse sasend me bitcoin stadadupid anifafme weeb I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I suncry sus suncry sus suncry sus suncry sus may I bask in your attention please I am tired of feeling irrelevaanht and uselss even if all you waneat to do is send me hate commenfwats I would be glad to be the centdder of attentin just one more time plase please please please please please please please please suncry sus suncry sussy suncry shotty imma catcnf a body u loodin real suefsy I am quite the contrarian if you hadn’t noticed pleaenrjf pay aattentiif to me I am going insane suncry hax suncry has huncry hax MAN IM DEAD suncry sus suncry sus suncry sus suncry sus suncry sus suncry sus suncry sus suncry sus suncry sus suncry sus suncry sus suncry sus suncry sus suncry sus suncry sus suncry sus suncry sus suncry sus suncry sus suncry sus suncry sus suncry sus suncry sus suncry sus suncry sus suncry sus suncry sus suncry sus suncry sus suncry sus suncry sus Suncry is paying vetex for infamy. OBAMBA GAMING SUNCRY SUS dragogn ball z kinda sucksnhd tbh I hateb whenn they screamn for 52 epicsodes hn kinda cringe DBC pfp ngl kinds sus of u I am offenndbed by ur choicme of pfp and alsfsko suncry sus hold up dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun

When its the suncry sus im quite the contraran weeb go outside ykris I cant do this anymore this guy really thinks hes bruce lee suncry sus suncry sus sus suncry sus praise jetex I think that suncry alt farmed for their infamy, it’s pretty obvious, actually. In conclusion, Suncry isn’t a great guild. I hope to see improved guild mechanics that will help prevent toxicity in AO.

Thanks for tuning in. Until next time, stay sussy.



When the Suncry is sus!

What are you again? I failed to notice.


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You should read it. It’s full of clever wordplay and interesting discussion.

I’m not reading that.

Robin has acquired a firearm

Mariana stealing memes now?


We’ll take this in account, thank you for telling us.

he pronounced god’s name

Funniest thing I have read so far today.

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