Sunday art #2 - Pre magic warlock

The second addition to my Sunday drawings is this picture of Vega Anchor before he discovered his prowess in fire magic. Being too clumsy with weapons he decided to hone his strength first and foremost, which resulted in him facing shura and Iris as a berserker.

If anybody saw my story ‘iron leg’ then you’ll see that I described Vega as wearing pants like he has on in the drawing above. Now he’s only barefoot and wearing shorts because he accidentally burnt them off, Goober.

Funny how we have all these really cool artist like Trollus, LeHalo and JTN

Then we have me trying my absolute best despite my terrible skills

I am not gifted.


it really isnt about being gifted or not, as long as you actually try to improve youll get there
also cool art

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Damn, Vega looking real cool here :+1:

Hey, don’t sweat it, I’m appreciative of all artists here regardless of their skill level. Keep up the good work :slightly_smiling_face:

I dont think your skills are terrible. Someone in the replies mentioned about being gifted but art isnt a gift or talent, it is a skill and it takes time. As long as you work on it, youll get better and better. I personally can see a direction your art style might be going and i think its really nice :slight_smile:

everyone start somewhere, ive been drawing for 3 years and is still sht at it, but i do it anyway simply because i want to

nobody gonna berate your art here, they might even help you if you ask

you’ve got idols and you’ve got creativity, that shows more than enough evidence that you’re gonna do good man, keep at it

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