Sunken and Boss Shop (Strong oath, Strong Vastira and Sunken Sword)

Dm me at Mr bad#8207

-strong sunken sword (personal use so requires high over pay)
-Clean sunken sword
-Swift sunken sword
-Hard sunken helmet
-Hard sunken boots
-Strong sunken helm
-Strong sunken chest
-strong sunken boots
-Clean sunken chest
-Clean sunken helmet
-Clean sunken boots
-Bursting sunken helm
-Keen sunken helmet
-Keen sunken chest
-Nimble sunken helm
-Nimble sunken chest
-Nimble sunken boots
-Swift sunken boots
-Swift sunken helm

-Strong oath
-Heavy shield of Jericho
-Hard exiled leggings
-Forceful exiled helm
-forceful exiled leggings
-Strong exiled helmet
-Strong exiled chest
-Strong exiled leggings

-Strong vastira
-Hard Vastira
-Minotaur helm
-Minotaur boots
-Minotaur chest

Strong vastira ace for full exiled armor or strong sunkern sword for swift sunkern 2 set of exiled armor and a clean woj dm me IDesireAnime#9597 if u wanna negoitate

So full exiled set for a strong axe?

Yes sirrrrrrrrrr.

alr il lthink about it

Dm me IDesireAnime#9597 much easier to talk

I have a strong Oathkeeper what can I get for it?

What piece are u lookin for and I’ll tell you if you can get it

Hm aint looking for any armors and full out power

when you thought about it just leave an offer and ill respond promptly

Clean sunkern for swift sunkern a set of exiled armor and a woj can add nimble sunkern helmet

my discord is on the top dm me there

Kinda looking for a hard woj

hmm wanna dm me on disc Mr Bad#8207

I have a sturdy woj tho hm

would u trade strong oath for heavy shield

Hm but i need a weapon afterward

hey ill give you a heavy woj + my current oath keeper for that strong oathkeeper

Deal what level is it?

wats ur current oath, clean?