Sunken and Boss Shop (Strong Vistara and strong sunken sword)

Dm me at Mr Bad#8207

-Strong sunken sword
-Swift sunken sword
-Hard sunken sword
-Hard sunken helm
-Hard sunken boots
-Strong sunken helm
-Strong sunken chest
-strong sunken boots
-Clean sunken chest
-Clean sunken helmet
-Clean sunken boots
-Bursting sunken helm
-Keen sunken helmet
-Nimble sunken helm
-Forceful sunken helm
-Forceful sunken chest
-Forceful sunken boots
-Swift sunken chest
-Swift sunken leggings

-Strong oath keeper
-Heavy shield of jherico
-Hard exiled leggings
-Forceful exiled helm
-Forceful exiled pieces
-Strong exiled helmet
-Strong exiled chest
-Strong exiled leggings

-Strong vistaria
-Hard vistaria
-Hard Minotaur armour
-Minotaur helm
-Minotaur boots
-Minotaur chest

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