Sunken Giveaway Riddle


time to binge fictional world books

ok makes sense

again common wording

this is getting repetative

ok a lot to do with earth, probobly a land mass

likely a fictional place

sry didn’t know what AU stood for

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arcane universe im assuming

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Marie’s lamb

Guess I’m back now :mariomug:

ok the hint was good but i dont have anything in mind tbh

The war Phoenix?

Whom has summoned the ancient one?

Wake up people we got a tip

Whitebeard :mariomug:

Mount Everest

why tf is everyone ignoring the hints we got

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Milky Way Galaxy :milky_way: :milk_glass:

Cookie god

Sauron’s Ring, the One Ring

Onion Rings

planet pnf-404 from pikmin
