I’m gonna guess
as the final final answer
Cerunno… god of trees?
earth, king, and bear
it’s bosco, the earth king’s pet bear from atla
Kekrops, first king of Athens?
First thing I guessed
Hades, God of the underworld?
So the answer can be anything for the whole riddle now?
Anything but you have to wait for two people to guess before you can guess again
Hey at least this riddle isn’t as painful as anything tech vomits on us
Ursun Bear from Warhammer Idk
a king who bears the weight of the earth, it could be like an emperor or smth
Bear is a verb?!!!
Bear: something that will maul you to death in seconds
Bruh, Divanochi trolled my english knowledge…
Mortal I thought u gave up on the riddle
I came back to the forum only cuz I have very bad mood, I got beat up today by 3 idiots. Unfortunately in real life, not in the game.
How am I even supposed to reply to that