Sunken Giveaway Riddle

my brain is fried at this point

“Bear” can also mean directions, as in bearing.


Guys, I have an idea. Let’s just list out every word in the dictionary and one of us will get it at some point :mariomug:

i might be wrong but i think the answer could be in here

you should use

The answer is clearly alpha :muscle:

Kings - Definitely alpha males :crown: :muscle:
Earth - Alpha to all the grass and stuff :earth_africa: :muscle:
Bear - So alpha they kill bear cubs :bear: :muscle:

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I made a document with all the answers to the final riddle starting from when it was solved up to this message
I also tried to my best to somehow categorize them but yeah

Mother nature

Why is the third riddle’s answer not put in the main post like the other two?

I forgor :skull:

Added the solution to the third riddle

The answer is Po from Kung Fu Panda. I won’t explain it further, it just is

can you add the solution to the final riddle too

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Heracules or Hercules or however you spell his name


Herakles/Heracles (Greek), Hercules (Roman)

Anyways that’s not my guess uhhhhhh