Sunken Iron Set

Thank you for clarifying. If it does, very cool but possibly broken. If it doesn’t, still a rare sword so it’s good.

Nice work again! :+1:t3:

i think sunken sword rarity is rare, armor is uncommon.

Is this the closest thing we have to secondary magic?

Uh no. Vetex confirmed second magic AND sunken armour so I don’t think so?

is that a fucking fantastic frontier enemy

It’s real?? That’s awesome


Oh is that a normal picture?

Well, i also work on fantastic frontier sometimes, that is the reason why every day a random exploit is patched in fantastic frontier, so i have access to some stuff from the game.

editted it to display the correct name, its been bothering me for the last few days and i can finally get the stress off of my chest

yo thats a really cool pic of it, thanks

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You’re an amazing artist holy damn! :nod:

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