Super mario movie

trailer dropped Bois.

the downfall of humanity

yeah bowser and marios voice actors do not fit at all

italian mario isnt real.



I don’t mind bowsers. But Mario’s…

I thoughta he would speaka like thisa

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Mama mia

Did Chris Pratt just choose he wasn’t going to do a mario voice for this movie, but instead just be Chris Pratt

I liked Bowser’s voice, but Mario is hella offputting

go back to Star Lord bro

Honestly the movie has potential
I have some problems with Mario literally just being Chris Pratt like he’s not really trying to act in character as much I find.
But so far the movie looks clean


Lemme bookmark this rq for when the movie comes out

Idk what ya’ll complaining about, looks like movie of the year to me

bowser’s is fine imo but what the fuck
this mario voice is a crime against humanity, they didn’t even try to make it sound like the games

dude jack black’s bowser is absolutely incredible idk whos voicing toad but he’s really good too. Chris Pratt is such a disappointment he’s not even trying to be Mario hes just chris pratt. If you gave me a clip from emmet in the lego movie and told me it was a leaked Mario voice line i would believe you.

keagan michael key i think

or however you spell his name

anything except mario and kinda luigi is surprisingly good
mario got sat on

Mario looks goofy and not in the good way
Everyone else looks good except for him