Sorry, I don’t exactly feel like making anything today. There will be updates tomorrow though.
Take the troll sign for… later use???
check the back of the sign
dissect the sign for more materials to use, maybe
Name the sign Wilbur
Sorry, but I think I’m slightly burnt out from this. I’m going to take a break for a moment, not too long, just a few days. We’ll be back soon.
…why are you liking this post so much?
because we like that youre taking care of your mental health
Something we normal forumers could never do.
My way of saying that its absolutely fine, personally.
Mental health > the funny
everyone gets burnt out once in a while, its natural, we understand
was the anatomical heart necessary
New updates coming tomorrow!
Show Current Inventory
-Roasted Acorn
-Comically Large Spoon
-3 Robux
-Wilbur the Trollface Sign
You decide to try to make a spear, because why not? You can never have too many tools.
You grab a large stick from a tree.
Ah yes, this will do.
You pick up a rock, too…
You smash the stick and the rock together, hoping to make a spear.
The stone hits the stick just right, and makes a spear! The tip of it looks weird, though, but who cares, it’s a freaking spear!
You decide to try some fishing with your brand new spear…
Oh…well if it isn’t that infuriating fish from earlier…
No fish doesn’t jump onto your nose and get away without any consequences!
You throw it up into the air…
…and you punch it with great force when it falls down!
It goes flying to the other side of the pool, but it still seems to be alive.
That fish is still alive, and so is your stomach.
Messing around the island whips up an appetite, and so, you decide to eat the fish raw.
You don’t even bother to cook it at your fire. It tastes great, and since this isn’t reality, you thankfully don’t choke to death on the fish’s bones.
You’re a bit thirsty too, so you wash the fish down with some nice pool water.
After your nice little meal, you decide to look around for any more Robux, and you manage to find some lodged in the pool’s stone.
You now have 3 Robux in total. You’re only slightly less broke now.
The Trollface Sign looks a tad bit suspicious, so you get in the water and check the back of it, and sure enough, there’s a note attached to it. Now let’s see what it says…
“Under the Water” Hmmm…
You decide to take the sign into your inventory, because why not? You never know when it might become useful…you name it Wilbur.
oh you actually fucking did it