Super Noob Adventures (Forum Adventure)

Use the spoon and drain all the water out to see what’s under the water

I think I’m just going to do one update daily, it works better for me that way.


noobs had a rough life

he gives up and disembowels himself (i lov bad endig :drooling_face::drooling_face:)


(real suggestion now)

the noob dives under the water to check around, since this isn’t reality his eyes are 100% functional down there

No clip to the back rooms. Or smash that sign

No update today, sorry…


Silence ig?

So uh
What happened

The noob clipped to backrooms

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The noob followed the sign, checked the pool and forgot to breathe

begin to collect supplies from the nearby resources and start a campfire and look for some food

22 days… well

Gamer_Doge is dead.

this reminds me of cube world’s development for some reason lol

I guess he’ll come back with the entire story created in a bad way

well, it was fun while it last

hope you’re doing okay wherever you are

f in the chat or post :frcryin:


when will this be resumed? :frcryin:

When AO releases