This was a fun story. I’d like to imagine that after solving the pool’s riddle, the final island was a nice cozy cabin with a great view. Noob settles down there for the rest of his days, occasionally going for a swim or working out with his dumbbell. The true Super Noob was the inner peace he finally found.
He never came back
Pray that he will
Man. That’s depressing.
Maybe the real super noob adventure was the friends we made along the way
It’s joever.
I can’t believe that was almost a year ago when I sent that
Show Current Inventory
-Roasted Acorn
-Comically Large Spoon
-3 Robux
-Wilbur the Trollface Sign
After a few seconds of thinking, an idea pops into your head. You’ve used the Comically Large Spoon to scoop water out of the pool earlier, so why not use it to completely drain the pool dry?
Determined to to see whatever’s at the bottom, you scoop and scoop…
And you scoop, and you scoop, and you scoop…
But eventually, after a good ten minutes of scooping and dumping the water off the island, the pool’s completely dried out!
Looking inside, you see something incredible…
Somehow, there was a whole coral reef in that tiny pond, even though it’s too small to have coral! It’s a mystery how coral grew there, doesn’t it only grow in the ocean? It’s a mystery. Anyhow, on further inspection, you spot what seems to be some type of contraption at the bottom. No doubt about it, this contraption is required to progress!
But there’s one big question; How are you going to get to the bottom of it??? Now that the lake’s completely dry, the force of gravity seems to prove an obstacle here. You aren’t jumping down, no way, the fall will kill you!
But just as you ponder what to do next, you remember something; the previously established rule that what goes down, must come back.
All the water you dumped down into the void comes back crashing down, inconveniently enough, right onto your campfire, extinguishing it.
Oh well, too bad! At least the little acorn you planted a while ago has gotten some much-needed nourishment. You reckon it’ll be a full-grown tree in no time now that it’s been watered, but time will tell.
Still, though, what will you do to get to the bottom of the pond-sorry, chasm?
wait until the water finally drains back into the pool from falling so I can swim down
It was just established that the water fell onto the campfire?
use the comically large spoon to scoop a bit of water every time it falls onto the campfire back into the pool
or find a convenient rope with one end being magnetic along with another thing that brings the rope towards it with magnetism
I intended that all of the water fell onto the campfire, absorbing into the ground permanently.
maybe you could wait until the acorn grows to harvest the sticks to make a StickRope and get down that way?
Noob canonically lives outside the realm of time
sheeeeeeeeeeesh ig ill delete mine now
Use the spoon to transfer dirt into the chasm. The dirt should soften the landing.
Or, we can use the tree bridge as a ladder?