“sUpErMaN iS oVeRpOwErEd”


dc actually has the gay rock

yea but like

kirby is literally just god

I’m more of a lobo guy myself

superheros are boring

Ok but at least I don’t live in school shooter country

But that doesn’t mean everyone would. Superman is the way he is because he was raised by actual decent, and that can apply to anyone. It’s proven every brain is different and so it doesn’t make sense for everyone to “go bad” at some point. The most realistic approach is that there’s good and bad people and neutral people in between. (unless you’re a guy who thinks “realism” = dark edgy gritty world)

battleboarders :frpensive:

do NOT :skull:

Avg Mary Sue fanboy

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im sorry but your country’s ENTIRE history is literally sucking the U.K’s cock. sit the fuck down. enjoy knowing that red and white flag is just the british flag in camouflage. bitchass

Your entire country’s history is starting a war because you couldn’t become a country normally.

And u talking about red and white flag when you still have blue, ripping off abusive daddy Britain because u couldn’t even think up an original colour scheme :joy_cat:

ok im sorry who was a dominion of britain for longer??

the joke was that ur country is basically the uk. not that the flags are the same. Smartest Canadian

actually, our flag was made because someone wanted a good grade in school


how did a topic about superman become a political debate :moyai:


Cosmic Armor Superman has plot manipulation. This means he can basically control the other characters and see the feats you mentioned as fiction.
Strange Visitor Superman defeated mr mxypltik a being beyond multiversal tier
None of what you said comes close to these 2 superman.


was gonna say this but no need

CAS Superman is a different beast

Actually yknow what nvm I had a bad day yesterday im gonna destroy your topic in all of it’s glory

Tl;dr Base superman is above all these feats
He could destory Phanthom zone

Remember Phanthom zone is Boundless

That’s a high outerversal feat which most fictional characters can only dream of.

Superman was able to hold two Infinite sized multiverse together and remember multiverse in DC are outerversal making it another Outerversal feat.

Now there are many smooth brain who will superman is only multiversal this are only two feats bla bla.

Alien X also also have only multiversal feat heck even Goku has like two multiversal feat.

But well again superman has like 10+ outerversal feat in base. Like

I could go on and on but there’s no point.

In conclusion superman is at bare minimum base outerversal in base.

If even you don’t include his feats Cosmology would make him outerversal.

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Angry igloo typing
happening rn

Who cares bro at least we acted in a civilized manner.

You have a Neanderthal (average American) brain if you think I didn’t realize. I’m just pointing out how it’s ironic that you’re using flags as an example. Bro’s talking about “smartest Canadian” when your country is renown for being full of smoothbrains. Go eat your 80th burger you know it’s wrong to let food go to waste.

@GlitchingEclipse I will flatten you and then eat you with maple syrup.

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