“sUpErMaN iS oVeRpOwErEd”

He posted a nerd emoji so knowing he’s a patriot I insulted his country, now he’s sending me statistics to prove a point I honestly don’t care to see an answer to :joy_cat:

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i mean you both are cringe but making fun of school shootings is fucked up

You say that is if I made fun of a specific school shooting instead satirizing the fact that America has a mass shooting problem.

I mean literally every character has reached a god mode at this point (even Spider-Man has reached a universal power level) and Superman can get Kryptonite-nerfed at any point for the plot.

america kinda sucks ngl

Superman is also painfully fast. Yes Flash is faster but Superman has other powers alongside that.

Kandy has already explained this.
The forums has become dollar store reddit full of unoriginal posts and “america bad” insults.
The death of AO forums

superman can still keep up with the flash though


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this is gold

while making fun of a specific one is a different thing altogether, satirizing trauma inducing suffering (especially of a group/nation you do not belong to) to make fun of someone is still fucked up tho. and ur still both cringe :person_shrugging:

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Not really because the point isn’t to say school shootings themselves are funny, it’s pointing out a common/relevant issue that many Americans decide to do nothing about despite posturing as the greatest county in the world. And it does not matter that he’s from a different country, if someone brought attention to screwed up events that happens in my country in attempts to make fun of it, (e.g. imagine living in residential school country) I wouldn’t care because I would realize it’s criticizing an issue with my country, though if it were said to get directly at me, I would retaliate. I don’t care about national identity, difference is the other guy clearly does so I’m taking advantage. There’s no need to take the moral high ground over one of the most common jokes of the century as if the vast majority of those ever offended by it weren’t offended out of national pride.

Also if it’s so cringe then you should’ve dropped it, there’s a reason I immediately pivoted back to the main discussion after the other guy decided to shut up. It was literally just to get him off my tail. Now you’re just reigniting the conversation and joining in on the “cringe” you keep talking about.

And no I’m not ignoring that I’m also continuing, but it’s still in response rather than initiation.

both your countries suck lol

Are there any countries that don’t suck when you look closely?


probably norway idk

the american government doesn’t give a fuck about school shootings or any of us, i’m gonna speedrun getting out of here the second i can

i get wym when you say you’re just criticizing a relevant issue which america has not made proper efforts to resolve but the fact remains that the suffering from that issue is rooted deep into many of america’s individuals… saying “at least i dont leave in a school shooter country” comes off as mocking not only the country but also those who suffer because of the country’s issues.

for instance, the equivalent of what you said to an average american high/middle schooler would NOT be someone saying “imagine living in residential school country” to an average canadian high/middle schooler… something closer to an equivalent would be someone saying that to a canadian person of indigenous heritage.

the point is that even if by saying, “at least i dont live in a school shooter country,” your intention was to to criticize the country itself (for its lack of effort in fixing a relevant issue), you’re still also making fun of those who have suffered/have to live in fear because of school shootings. which is fucked up as i said.

i mean yeah u have a point but it’s still fucked up i dont see how u can say “nah making fun of america’s school shooting problem is not fucked up.” it’s not even moral high ground it’s just common sense at this point. i’m literally canadian but nearly every american friend i have deals with anxiety problems cause of school shootings even though none of them have ever been in an actual shooting thankfully.

Why are you still talking bro it’s been almost 2 weeks