This is mostly a question, otherwise it’s probably a bug but is surge located somewhere else from the other scrolls? I got a surge scroll from a bronze sealed chest but it’s not in my inventory, or not to my knowledge at least
(Image is snipped small because I snipped it from excitement, so no I don’t have my name displayed on the screen or anything)
Only scrolls I have are Pulsar and Axe-Slash, but surge scroll looks like pulsar so would it have stacked there?
Keep checking ig
Checked all three of those, so if it is stacked with a pulsar somehow then I’d have to use the pulsar scroll, which I can’t cause I’m conjurer, unless it was just a name bug, idek
check through everything again
It’s most likely in a different section you’d probably missed
its bugged rn and stacks with pulsar
dwag ok
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