Surge Spell OP

It also has multiple magic circles in different locations which might cause one to not disappear underwater when it is supposed to

also barrage is prob gonna just still be called “barrage” since it makes more sense that way (I want this back so badly I wanna use divine shower again :sob:)

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Can’t wait for this to get split into a new topic called “Surge spell”

Mods, that’s your cue


split to here

goobers you split it to an entire different thing

i haven’t played the game in a bit
tf is a surge spell

A new Rare Spell that’s being added next update.

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“Slams the ground, a slight bulge appearing below the target’s feet, this bulge itself deals 8 damage. Afterwards, an explosion occurs at the bulge, dealing an additional 40 damage.” - the description of Cernyx’s placed explosion, why not it to be Surge?

I dont really think Cernyx spell can melt Calvus or a Meta Tank Berserker twice over in one cast like testers claim to be

Don’t forget Cernyx is ~lvl 65 boss, so hes weak compared to us, though he has 250 dmg melee punch (minotaur flashbacks)

Ok but I still don’t think Cernyx Spell is Surge

Im going off Noober’s words here, “if they ate all of that” implies that its a spell that hits more than 2 times unlike Cernyx’s Spell. As insane as the 90% power decrease was, I doubt testers were doing atleast 2250 per attack if it was Cernyx’s spell

Theres an info just appeared about surge’s clashing rates, so yeah, if it can clash then my theory had been ruined

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Would be funny if it’s a shotgun blast of magic

This guy RambleKnightly said he has a leak of Surge, and this tester says his info is right.

that’s simply cernyx being special

tester could be joking, i don’t think anything new was posted on patreon

there wasn’t

I have a new theory now.

With a Roar Animation, broken damage scaling allowing it to one shot players, and a need for clash visuals, I think Surge is a Continuous Fire Beam.

Think a Kamehameha, a beam that you fire nonstop for a few seconds thats meant to stack damage. Got no proof, but it would make sense. The only times damage breaks hard enough to kill people in one shot is on multihit spells. Surge as a name could fit this still, a ‘surge’ of magic in a continuous line. Then a roar animation could be something in line with Broly roaring his beam in Dragon Ball.