Suspicious forumer alert

The user @thingyy is the forumer in question, he has the same pfp has a previously banned user desired_bag.

I asked him and he has not given me an explanation why he has this pfp

Might wanna look into this @liu and @Cryonical

Actually i did some digging he might not be bag but eh anyways might be an alt

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you’re joking right


maybe reverse image search it, it may belong to a famous YTer or smth, always remember innocent before proven guilty

a pfp isn’t proof of someone ban evading

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I mean i know for a fact that bag used this very same pfp so i have my right for suspicion


thingyy is literally friended to artanaris on roblox, if he was an alt i think the mods would know :skull: :skull:

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this was desired_bag’s pfp, they don’t match


Why are we accusing people now

I thought this guy was an alt of someone banned but i might be wrong whoops

thingyy and bag are 2 completely different people which you can tell by their roblox profile also thingyy is a tester

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I doubt the person with tester role that joined the forums on the day of release and is renowned in the community is suspicious

Yes their pfps are similar but I’m pretty sure if something was up people would’ve noticed in the past year


this thingyy guy is sus we should tell vetex about this


Yea i agree

bro do you not see that he’s a tester


I’m pretty sure he’s blind.

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Okay geez sorry I didn’t use my brain smh

Continue use of cognitive function immediately.

bro talks like he’s from a metal gear game " you… have pfp of a very specific forumer who was banned… care to explain?"
“i asked him and he has not given me an explanation”
“Might wanna look into this snake”