Synergy idea

:explosion_magic: :crystal_magic_var2: :iron_magic_var1:

Debris synergy.

Not sure if viable or not but it looks cool I guess

:explosion_magic: :fire_magic: :lightning_magic_var2:

Also here’s another idea

Blaze synergy

And finally

:lightning_magic_var1: :crystal_magic_var2: :explosion_magic:

Flash synergy (my favorite)

:lightning_magic_var1: :water_magic_var1: :ice_magic_var1:

image image image

Beverage synergy



:explosion_magic: :crystal_magic_var2: :plasma_magic_var1:

Ultra flashy synergy

:explosion_magic: :magma_magic: :crystal_magic_var2:

Liquid lightning synergy

:explosion_magic: :light_magic_var2: :crystal_magic_var2:

Aurora synergy

Not sure how good they are, any tips?

:light_magic_var1: :crystal_magic_var1: :lightning_magic_var1:

Where is the lightning?

There is none

I couldn’t think of a better name

No explosion magic

fuck it
:light_magic_var1: + :glass_magic:
light beam bounces off of mirror

I actually made a new signature similar to this

:glass_magic: :ash_magic: :lightning_magic_var2:


:lightning_magic_var2: :glass_magic: :crystal_magic_var2:

Is this good?

Is Glass going to buff Light’s damage or does it not?

And does a Light/Glass clash have special effects?

I just saw this topic and the curiosity entered.

(Help I’ve become obsessed with synergies ahhhhh)

:glass_magic: :fire_magic: :poison_magic_var1:

The “haze” synergy

:sand_magic_var1: :lightning_magic_var2: :earth_magic_var1:

“Desert Sandstorm” synergy

:wind_magic_var3: :explosion_magic: :ash_magic:

“Fallout” synergy

:crystal_magic_var4: :light_magic_var1: :lightning_magic_var2:

“Cosmic” synergy


(full sentence)

Omg 1000000000000000 views already?!?

:ash_magic: :glass_magic: :lightning_magic_var2:

Illusion synergy

I think this is actually super good since it clears bleed and a lot of ther stuff, plus the amount of stage hazards you can set with it. (Also my favorite synergy no steal pls pls pls)

:fire_magic: :magma_magic: :explosion_magic:

Generic heat synergy

Nothing much to say here

:ice_magic_var2: :wind_magic_var2: :earth_magic_var2:

Permafrost synergy

Clears poisoned and freezes

:shadow_magic: :poison_magic_var2: :plasma_magic_var1:

E d g y synergy

Probably the worst one here, at least it has plasma clouds?

:wood_magic_var1: :fire_magic: :ash_magic:

Wildfire synergy

One of woods many synergy ideas

:earth_magic_var1: :sand_magic_var1: :lightning_magic_var2:

Sandstorm synergy

Not sure how viable this is but it looks cool

:magma_magic: :explosion_magic: :earth_magic_var3:

Eruption synergy

Has a lot of clears

:snow_magic: :lightning_magic_var3: :wind_magic_var2:

Blizzard synergy

Sorta like permafrost

:lightning_magic_var1: :water_magic_var2: :wind_magic_var2:

Sea storm synergy

Ooooooooh meta magics galore

:crystal_magic_var7: :light_magic_var1: :magma_magic:

Colorful synergy

P r e t t y

:explosion_magic: :sand_magic_var1: :ash_magic:

Fallout synergy

Idk how viable

:glass_magic: :fire_magic: :poison_magic_var1:

Haze synergy

Illusion I guess

Haze synergy 2.0

:glass_magic: :poison_magic_var1: :plasma_magic_var2:

Other colors

:glass_magic: :poison_magic_var1: :plasma_magic_var1:

:glass_magic: :poison_magic_var2: :plasma_magic_var2:

:glass_magic: :poison_magic_var2: :plasma_magic_var1:

Here’s this one

:glass_magic: :plasma_magic_var2: :ash_magic:

Some kind of mirage or smoke and mirror one

:explosion_magic: :sand_magic_var3: :fire_magic:

Desert heat wave

:iron_magic_var2: :fire_magic: :explosion_magic:

G u n

:ice_magic_var1: :iron_magic_var1: :snow_magic:

Frost synergy

:explosion_magic: :wind_magic_var1: :ash_magic:

Ultimate destruction synergy (shockwave, fallout, and the explosion itself included)

:magma_magic: :crystal_magic_var5: :glass_magic:

Volcanic glass synergy

:earth_magic_var3: :magma_magic: :shadow_magic:

Deep underground

:crystal_magic_var7: :acid_magic_var1: :lightning_magic_var2:

Alchemist synergy

:earth_magic_var2: :crystal_magic_var4: :iron_magic_var2:

Slow gamers

:wind_magic_var2: :ice_magic_var3: :crystal_magic_var3:

Very cold synergy

:fire_magic: :ash_magic: :wind_magic_var3:

Napalm synergy

:crystal_magic_var1: :explosion_magic: :lightning_magic_var2:

Crystallized synergy

What does the Z in zomg stand for?

Edit: This post was moved as to why it is out of context

Whatever you want it to be