TAITC's guide on how to choose a stat build

Hey, you. pikachu
Yeah, you.
Are you playing the new epic ROBLOX RPG game known as Arcane Odyssey?
Are you still concerned on what stat build to main?
Do you remember all those posts during pre-TGR where the dickhead known as @ThatAsianInTheCorner peppered these shitty guides out all the time because they thought it was funny?
If you said yes to at least one of those questions, especially the last one (but why tho, these suck and there are better ones out there. i mean, this is partially satirical why would you get advice from a partially satirical guide? you should really rethink your life choices.), then boy fucking howdy do i have a guide for you!
By reading this simple guide, you’ll know what stat builds to choose for each of your files.

Let’s start with the basics:

Step 1 - learning the Stat build system:

Unlike shitty anime bandit beaters on roblox totally not like this one isn’t one of them, the stat system works differently where, instead of solely increasing damage dealt by that specific damage type, levelling a stat allows you access to new skills. A good example of this progression is in the Magic stat, which allows you to unlock;

  • blasts.
  • blasts again.
  • blast animations.
  • more blasts.
  • blasts that are identical in function but look funnier and don’t adhere to aerodynamics.
  • and finally, really fucking big blasts, and don’t worry, these ones deal a lot of damage.
  • no there aren’t other magic spells there are just blasts they are all you need get off my ass

Always remember that there are 3 other stat progressions each with their own unique skills, and traits, so it’s best to experience the game with different builds on different files to figure out which one’s your favorite. Fuck, you can even not invest any stat points into anything! (this is not recommended this is not recommended this is not recommended this is not recommended) Play how you like. To be fair, people will judge you, but that’s just what people do!

Step 2 - time to learn what each stat does betch:

Remember, each stat helps you do one method of damage better than another, (except for vitality don’t go vitality please don’t go vitality until they add spirit weapons i beg of you) so it’s up to you to find out which method of damage you like the most.

  • If you like to punch, and do cool fighting techniques like grabs, and rushes and a whole lot more punching, go Strength.

  • If you like to stab people, or just want to wrangle with and test out every single weapon the game has to offer ranging from Axes, Swords, Bows and Guns, with plenty of others to pick from, go Weapons.

  • If you like a more tactical playstyle waiting for opponents to mess up or particularly enjoy spamming projectiles at the opponent willy-nilly and constantly keeping them on edge, go Magic.

  • If you’re a fucking idiot then go Vitality in the game version that doesn’t have Spirit Weapons. Nice job dickpickle, you shot yourself in the foot. This is why we can’t have nice things.

Always remember that if you’re particularly indecisive between 2 specific damage forms, there’s nothing stopping you from investing in 2 or 3 stats. please don’t go for all 4, the early game will be a living hell if you go all 4, spare youself the trouble, it’s already hard with 3

That reminds me.

Step 3 - I really fucking forgot about the main focus of this guide didn’t I:

Anyways, since we’re going way over budget, (You might be wondering: This series has a budget? Yes, it does. Just not in the way you might think. Don’t overthink it.) the final step of this guide is to give a basic, yet critical run-through of all the currently existing stat builds, to help you figure out which one would suit you that best:

  • Savant - ~33%/33%/33% or ~25%/25%/25%/25%, any stats: Has an appealing wide range of options, but you won’t particularly excel at anything. That being said, you could be able to pull off some mad wicked combos on your opponent in the late game with this build. Difficulty: Hard

  • Mage - 60-100% in Magic: Basic but reliable. A solid beginner choice, and one you’ll likely run into often on other players. Sure it’s basic, sure, it’s boring, but magic is consistent, reliable, and gets the job done from a good distance away. Difficulty: Easy

  • Berserker - 60-100% in Strength: More unorthodox due to how close range it is but still a solid choice for those who like to get up close and personal while doing massive damage. Just remember to block and dodge every once in a while to make sure you don’t die and you’re golden. Difficulty: Easy

  • Warrior - 60-100% in Weapons: A solid middle ground between the 2 complete opposites of the Close-Ranged Berserker and the Long-Ranged Mage, Warriors are pretty cool. They have their own weapons that only they can use too. Difficulty: Easy

  • Warden - 60-100% in Vitality: Don’t. Not yet at least. Unless you want to be a semi-portable living shield for everyone else in the vicinity to hide behind you. Until spirit weapons come, then don’t bother. Difficulty: Don’t

  • Conjurer - +40% in both Magic and Weapons: A good choice for most players as the Magic and Weapons stats are very oft-used. A bit generic, but does well. Difficulty: Medium

  • Warlock - +40% in both Magic and Strength: I heard you liked move customization. What a coincidence. This is perfect for you. Difficulty: Medium

  • Paladin - +40% in both Magic and Vitality: Budget Mage, and when Spirit Weapons release, Budget Conjurer. Hey, at least you won’t die as easily. Difficulty: Medium

  • Warlord - +40% in Weapons and Strength: If you like holding M1 with a Sledgehammer and breaking everything in a 50 stud radius, this is perfect for you. Difficulty: Medium

  • Juggernaut - +40% in Strength and Vitality: Hey, now you can get close and deal good damage and not have to fear about getting one shotted. That’s great. Difficulty: Medium

  • Knight - +40% in Weapons and Vitality: If Vetex doesn’t allow you to dual wield a normal sword with a spirit sword you all are entitled to a stat reset. Difficulty: Medium

In short, the more damage methods used in a build, the more complex.

Step 4 - Once you’re level 80, no take backsies.

Welp, you’re level 80 now.
The stat reset button is gone.
Hope you don’t regret any of your choices.

…You didn’t?

Now enjoy your arcane odyssey.

…Unless you wanted to know which one is meta, by which i say:


just pick warden


Make sure when you start the game to try out whatever feels right for you. I thought that I would become a Conjurer, but I’m actually more preferred towards my Knight file

This has helped me a lot. I will definitely be going warden or better yet no stat points at all. Thank you for your help.

my plan is to go conjurer triple gun, light magic
make my bullets ridiculously fast

2nd file will be warden

can he
can he do that?

thanks for reading the guide thoroughly and choosing your stat builds based off of what i said in it thanks guys i really appreciate it


Actually in Early Access I’ll be going mage, berserker, and warrior.
Then afterwards I’ll make my second mage, warlord, and warlock

Though I do have three other file slots Im not sure about yet.

Well you see warden can’t even be played until spirit weapons are added

I picked conjurer but now I’m having an identity crisis warlock looks so fun

because i expect you to keep your fucking word

Actually, insane difficulty unironically.

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Difficulty: brainless*

i don’t play berserker oddly enough
i’d say it’s the hardest out of the pure builds but i’d argue it’s not as punishing early on as the hybrid builds and especially the strength hybrids like Savant or Warlock despite you getting 2 modes of damage

If you like big weapons just pick warlord

excellent logic
i should’ve used your opinions in my guide

Am I wrong though? :rofl: