Talk about your interesting PVP stories

Sometimes everyone who i nearly kill starts using fly cheat just to run away, not everyone escapes from my screenshot name and username, they usually get ban after a few minutes from DM’s

i like being a venus fly trap by pretending to be AFK and then just self-exploding anytime someone comes up to me. some guy got mad at me for doing that but i still kept doing it

A few days ago some casual basic lvl 90 lightning players were commiting genocide on bandits and I decided that I wanted to fight them. I was level 69 and had like 2 power for my build and then I 1v4ed them and they were yelling and chasing me and stuff. Moral of the story: Don’t be bad

(it was kinda unfair because I’m average at pvp and those guys had no clue)

only have one, and i posted it months ago
not pulling it up though.

i know what happened :full_moon_with_face:

looks like they got bikbok’d. you can use that as a catchphrase if you want

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you dare check my messages?

then you must DIE.

I got masterclapped by somebody with 50 player kills (I had like 200 player kills, that doesn’t mean I’m good, but it meant that I should’ve been lasting more than 5 seconds each round)

Turns out, it was Level in disguise the whole time.

I skill issued and cringed.

I Got clapped by Soreority 10 - 0, Soreo had like above 90% hp the entire time

the end

i have skill issue

i have skill issue so i have below 50% KDR with 19 of my player kills almost all from RK-ing

one kill is a real PVP kill in the coliseum (BEFORE POWER NERF LOL)

I’m not much of a pvper, usually I lose
This one person said ‘hey bro’ and then said ‘ur mum’ and tried to kill me (i was on a magma file, didn’t even have max level gear and im not in a guild so i was confused cuz they had a guild but I guess they weren’t looking for infamy they just wanted to kill me) .v.
I combat logged but i didnt care lmao
Yes i have skill issues

I 3v1ed randoms because I was bored (I’m the 1)

Josh reset to me in a 1v4



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